Take a break - 📺 x 🐟 ★smut★

911 16 116

Request by xiexieargyay
Some things:
Smut! Don't want kids reading this, I've given warnings, it's your fault from here
Consensual but not safe nor sane
Has some seriously weird and freaky shit, not light!
Vox x his assistant, who I call Peppermint.
Don't like the ship? Don't read this.
Peppermint is transgender in this because I just love writing trans characters
A continuation of the comic in the video above. Just PWP/porn without plot
Vox is an actual terrible person, and he is kinda a shitty person in this fanfic too but a little chill
Not beta read, I'm sure there's at least a few errors. I'm too lazy to fix them.


"Who knows? I might even promote you, if you satisfy me."

"Y-yes, sir..." Peppermint said, already feeling nervous.
This was his ao3 fantasy come true. Vox could have gone and fucked any of his fuckboy's whores, but he had settled on Peppermint. It made Pepper feel more satisfied and glad, but still nervous.

Vox wrapped his index claw over the edge of his assistant's shirt collar, and tugged on it.
"We can get this to come off now, surely?"

Peppermint gulped, nodded, and fumbled to undo the buttons of his collar.

"Good. You don't have to take the full thing off, you just probably won't want it so tight around yourself for the next hour or so." Vox said, grinning darkly, but his eyes still seemed blank and bored with the whole ordeal.

"But," Vox poked at the waistband of the man's pants. "You'll want these off. Right away." He added, his voice dropping an octave.

Peppermint immediately scrambled to pull off his pants, pausing for a spilt second when the waistband was right above his crotch, but regained himself, dismissed his thoughts, and continued to pull the pants down and off.

Vox, who had had an expression of near boredom this whole time, minus his manipulative smile, but peaked a slight interest and confusion at Peppermint's lack of dick, then grinned even wider.

Pepper gulped, standing there half naked in front of his boss. A little awkward.

Then Vox pulled off his own pants, kicking them into a pile next to the eel-like man's.

"Go look in that drawer, there should be some lube in it." Vox instructed, pointing to a drawer across his large desk.
Pepper nodded, and went to rummage through the drawer until he found the bottle.

He brought it back over to Vox, looking at the bottle.
"So you just... Have this in your desk...?" Pepper questioned.

Vox smirked, and took the bottle from him, not answering the question.
He pulled down his boxers, and started coating his presumably large dick with the cold substance.

Pepper watched, feeling even more nervous and even more excited, with the idea of that going inside him, in any hole...

Vox finished, and tossed the bottle over to his assistant.
"You'll want plenty of this, trust me." He said, making his tone and smile warmer and more welcoming, a manipulation tactic he learned from Valentino.

Pepper nodded, smiling nervously, and started coating his own crotch with the lube, nearly dropping the bottle as it almost slipped from his hand.
Vox waited, sighing and watching, horny and impatient.

Peppermint finished, paused for a moment, then set the small bottle on the large desk stretching halfway across the room.

Vox smirked and waved him over.
"Climb in my lap, go on, I need to get you prepped, afterall. Unless you want to take me raw?" Vox asked with a raise of his eyebrows, shifting his hips a bit to draw attention to his cock.

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