Your electric touch - 📺 x 🦋 ★smut★

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Request by Athyanas

Absolute smut. Again, I do not want any kids here. Please leave if you are uncomfortable. This is your only warning, I'm not adding more.

Staticmoth public sex edition!


"Hey Voxxy~~"
Valentino sauntered into the main room of the Vee's tower.

Vox had been sitting in the main room, with the TV on playing hell knows what; he wasn't paying attention in the least.
He snapped out of his endless cycle of 'void thoughts', and turned his body around to look at Valentino.

The bald grape mothball was standing in the doorway.
Vox immediately had a sense of dread. Those were Val's going out clothes.
Well, sort of clothes. If a three inch booty skirt and thigh-high fishnets counted as clothes.

Valentino made his way across the room, and stood over the seated Vox.

"You seem so pent up and upset, papito~ Hey, I was thinking we could to to one of the clubs downtown, one of the news ones~? What do you say~?" (*Papito = daddy)

Valentino extended his lower arms, and ran them up Vox's chest.

Vox ran a hand down his screen.
"....I dunno Val. You know how worn out I am right now, I still got work to finish-"

"Always with the work! I gotta work too, but I still find time for you and Vel! C'mon, just for a few hours! You haven't been out in a while, and when you do go out it's always for business. Are you seriously becoming one of those loser middle-aged men who spend all day inside?" Val tugged on Vox's arm. (Apologies on my part to anyone who is, you guys are great)

Vox shook his head.
"I ain't goin' nowhere. Imma just sleep..." He slouched down on the couch, so that his neck was almost at a 90° angle.

Valentino rolled his eyes and picked up Vox, slinging him over his shoulder and carrying him like a sack of potatoes.

"Lemme go!" Vox thrashed, but gave up almost immediately, knowing it wouldn't do anything.

Next thing Vox knew, Val had dragged him downstairs, out the door, and into the waiting limo, in which Val disposed of Vox's body in the back and climbed in to sit parallel to the off-brand Samsung TV.

Vox sat grumpily across from Valentino. Val tried not to laugh, as Vox looked like an angry toddler during a tantrum.

"Oh, loosen up babe! This'll be fun. You'll thank me later, you need to do something other than work all the time." Valentino took a drag of one of his cigarettes, and blew the magenta smoke all over the limousine's back, which caused Vox to cough uncontrollably.

"Stop smoking! You'll get lung cancer!"

"Already in Hell, babe. Only thing that's gonna kill me 'ill be those damned angels." Valentino retorted with a smirk.

The two sat in silence for the rest of the trip, and arrived at the club after just a bit.

It wasn't long until the already annoyed Vox was surrounded by bright flashing lights and drunken sinners and Imps.

Vox turned to look up at Valentino, and Val will always remember how absolute stoned Vox looked, yet without any drugs.


"No, what~?"

"No, I don't want to stay here. The floor is sticky. It's loud. Why did you have to pick this place?"

Valentino chuckled, and blew another puff from his cigarette.
"If you want, we can go sit in the back for a little bit until you adjust. We still have a few more hours, papito~"

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