★•°Headcanons p2°•★

446 11 85

More headcanons because I said so

-His hat is superglued onto his head

-Blasts music but only when he's sure he's completely alone

-Doesn't have a dominant hand; isn't specifically left handed or right handed and can use both hands with equal skill

-Had a Metallica phase

-Is seriously sick of people touching his screen

-Tried to learn how to play guitar back when he was alive in his twenties. Emphasis on the tried.

-Gets pissed and storms off if he isn't immediately good at something

-Used to make the "I'm gonna touch you" jokes until he said it to Valentino one time and came back a few hours later with a broken back and couldn't walk right for a day or two

-Likes cookie dough ice cream

-He sleeps/charges looking like a dead person placed in a casket

-Sometimes when he's in the middle of a conversation with someone, his battery just straight up dies

-When his battery does die he kinda just ragdolls onto the floor and Valentino has to go find him and drag his body to the nearest charging station

-He and Valentino once tried to do a dance to the song The Masochism Tango and broke a lamp

-Hates wearing pajamas and will just sleep naked with a sheet wrapped tight around him and hopes Val doesn't come into his room and do anything weird in the middle of the night
(or maybe he just wears some boxers)

-When he's drunk he's got the "I'm washin' me and my clothes!" vibe, or he just gets really loud and pissed

-Has a photographic memory. He's literally a computer. He has absolutely anything he could need to remember just stored in his memory cards/servers.

-Has a giant blue night light on a shelf in his room and sometimes when he can't sleep he just emptily stares at it and has deep ass thoughts

-For like one week back in the nineties he was really into Shakespeare then just randomly lost interest

-Likes fish sticks more than he will admit

-Sometimes when everything is absolutely too much and he's too overstimulated, he just sinks his claws into his arms and just stands there like that quietly waiting to feel better

-Dog person

-Has really messy handwriting and hates having to write letters or whatever

-When the Hamilton musical made it onto Broadway he would watch it over and over again multiple times a week and annoy the shit out of Velvette. His obsession faded after he watched it a few dozen too many times

-Would fistfight God if given the chance

(he would obviously not win)

Words: 482

Absolutely completely unrelated but my favorite sentence is "I didn't mean to kill him!" because depending on which word you emphasize it changes the meaning altogether
Like "I didn't mean to kill him!" And "I didn't mean to kill him!"

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