Remote - 📺 x 📻 °fluff°

747 16 19

Request by: by BaguetteFurLife sorry it's so short lol

Alastor and Vox were cuddling while rewatching one of Alastor's favorite cannibal cooking shows. Not Vox's taste, but it wasn't something that bothered him. He wasn't even paying attention to the TV.

Vox completely zoned out after a bit longer, Alastor just carefully watching the show on TV that he almost forgot Vox was there.

Alastor was trying his best to focus on the show, but it was so quiet that it was hard to even make out what the actors and actresses were saying.

He scanned the room for a remote, and saw it resting on the coffee table a few feet away.
He reached out and grabbed it, surprisingly small and light, about the size of a mp3 player, and brought it to face the television.



Alastor wondered why nothing happened to the TV.
And Vox, who was still not paying attention to anything happening around him, was wondering why his audio had been muted.


A confused Alastor is still wondering why nothing is happening, and an even more confused Vox is wondering why his brightness was just turned down to the lowest setting.

Another *click*


Alastor seemed frustrated that the television remote was not working, until he felt a body slightly larger than his slum softly against his back like a ragdoll.

He looked over, and noticed Vox slumped against him, his screen black.


He may not have known much about technology, but he put two and two together and realized that the remote must have been connected to Vox's screen.

Alastor pressed the power button again, and set the small remote down on the coffee table. He adjusted Vox so he wasn't slouched leaning over against him so awkwardly, and waited for him to boot back up.

It only took a little bit until Vox's screen started to boot up again, the Voxtek logo bouncing around on his screen like the DVD logo does.

Vox turned back on, and was welcomed with a face full of Radio Demon.

He jumped a bit, then calmed down when he realized it was just Alastor, and pulled him closer.

"The fuck just happened?" He said, running his fingers through Alastor's hair.

"I may have accidentally turned your screen off." Alastor answered directly.

"Why??" Vox said, leaning back against the couch and pulling Alastor with him.

Alastor scooted properly into Vox's lap and snuggled against his chest, looking up at him through hooded lashes.

"I was trying to adjust the volume of the television, I must have used a remote that connected to your system. Or something. My apologies."

"It's okay~" Vox gave him a kiss on the forehead and the two sat there, falling half asleep and completely forgetting about the television humming in the background.

Words: 476

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