Surprise!... - 📺 x 📻 °fluff°

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[Vox is non-surgically transitioned FTM in this because I love writing Transgender characters]

In this one Alastor did take up Vox's offer to join the Vees. Vox, Velvette, Valentino and Alastor all live in the AV's, audio visuals, company tower. Vox and Alastor share a room despite the jealous Valentino.

This chapter is going to be longer, 20 pages, and have a lot of time skips.
I've been so excited to write this fic! I just find it super interesting and I don't know if you guys will like this or not, but I'm excited to share it with all of you. Enjoy!
Also not beta read there's thousands of words here and I am not spell checking all of that


Sinners can't get pregnant, nor impregnate others. That was a very common misconception, and only partly true. Some sinners are cursed with fertility as a punishment for actions of their in their lives, abusing their children, getting abortions (Contrary I am VERY pro-choice btw), neglecting their children, or being openly horrible to children and taking all precautions to avoid them or to go out of their way to hurt them.

Vox's screen started to power on, the glow illuminating the ceiling above and the hum filling the silent room.
Vox booted up, sitting up in his bed, the bed just as dishelved as he was.
What happened.
Vox glanced around as his system fully awoke, and remembered all the events from the previous night.

He had now slept with Alastor for the- what was it? Sixth time? Seventh time? He had lost count. A lot of times.

Alastor at least had put some boxers on Vox.
Speaking of, where was Alastor? Vox grumbled, and swung his lower body around to stand up, going to go find wherever his boyfriend had ended up this time.

Vox wandered the penthouse, eventually finding Alastor in the kitchen. Of course he was making jambalaya for breakfast. What else would he be eating? A normal, healthy, balanced diet? Hah.

Vox chuckled softly to himself, and went over to Alastor, who was singing along to the radio (which had to be coming from in the walls at this point, Vox assumed) as he cooked, and wrapped his arms around the back and waist of the slightly shorter man.
Vox plastered himself to Alastor's back and hummed along to the song with Alastor.

Alastor tilted his head back slightly to look at Vox, whose screen was shining right in his eyes.

"Good morning to you as well, flashlight." Alastor said, squinting.

"Sorry," Vox said, turning down his screen brightness. "So, jambalaya as aftercare breakfast??"

Alastor laughed but didn't respond to the comment.

That was a good morning. Vox would miss those. Nothing says "I don't give two fucks" like eating jambalaya with your not-good-at-being-dominant top boyfriend while both of you are in your boxers with music coming from somewhere in your walls and ceiling.

"We have so much shit to do tomorrow..." Vox said, taking a bite from his far too large bowl of jambalaya.

"Well, we have today to cuddle and not give any fucks, my dear."
Alastor responded.

Vox laughed. "It's hard to take you seriously when you follow 'fucks' with 'my dear'.

Alastor sipped from his black coffee.

-Time skip two weeks-


Vox gripped the rim of the toilet that he had just emptied his lunch into. First time he'd thrown up in a while- well, scratch that, he gets drunk a lot. Still.

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