What Would I Do? - 📺 x 📻 •heavy angst•

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Human AU! [2010s]
Very sad angst. Vox dies.
A Radiostatic adaptation of the song What Would I Do? from the 2016 Falsettos revival.
Lyrics get a bit confusing so I added (A) before Alastor's lines and (V) before Vox's lines.

(All of the lyrics are slightly altered so that I don't get copyrighted!! Also some are completely left out or replaced.
I added a video with the original lyrics above as reference for what the song sounds like)


Vox is dying.
He has a mysterious illness, and none of the doctors can figure out what it is.

Dr. Charlie was doing all she could, but nothing was working. It had been pronounced that Vox would have three days left to live.

For those three days, he couldn't even get out of the hospital bed.
People he knew came and visited him for as long as they could.

All the other staff members of the Hashbrown Motel came to visit him, even Vaggie, the manager, who never seemed to like him much. He was glad Angel came, though. They were good friends, and Vox would miss being able to go into work and see him. Angel would miss seeing him.

They couldn't stay for long, visiting hours were limited from 11am to 2pm, but they stayed for as long as they could.

Vox was just glad they let Alastor stay.
Alastor, his beloved husband, who would be left alone after Vox passed. His lover would flat-out die... Gone.

It had never fully registered in Vox's brain that he was dying. That he had only a few days left. That he was hanging to life by just a few threads. He could die right here, right now. The three days were just an estimate. He could have three hours, for all he know.


It was the final day that he had estimated to live. Vox felt that Charlie had the right estimate. He could tell his body was preparing to fade.

He was sleeping in his hospital room, hooked up to multiple small machines, all of them beeping quietly.

One of them was beeping slightly more frequently each time.

Charlie was in the room when this started. One of the machines had picked up irregular patterns Vox's body was producing, and the beeping very slowly got more quick and frequent. She checked the stats, did a quick run over of the machine, and sighed.

Dr. Charlotte knew that even with her seemingly magical healing abilities, there was nothing she could do to save him. But she could get his husband.

She gave one final goodbye to the sleeping Vox and farewell wishes, and departed the room to find Alastor, who probably wasn't very far away and would be pretty easy to find.

Alastor had been camping out at the hospital for the days Vox was there. Anytime that he was allowed into Vox's room, which being Vox's spouse meant it was more than just the designated visitor hours, he would stay in the room with Vox as long as he could.

Anytime even he wasn't allowed in, Alastor would wait outside the room, or somewhere as close as he possibly could.

Alastor had been down the hall, and Charlie found him sitting in a chair, constantly adjusting as he was unable to sit still due to fear.

Charlotte gently and calmly informed him of what was happening, and Alastor wasted not a second to get to the room.

He arrived in the room, skidding to a stop and made his way to Vox's bed, tears already building.

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