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Hey lovelies!

So I think I'm losing readers :( Please keep on reading guys! It'll get better, I promise you!

-This book might end around 20 chapters or so, still not sure yet!

-I've been having writers block lately so it's been hard!

-Im so so sorry for all the swearing guys. I just think that it's more realistic that way! If you want, I can stop?

-Sorry about switching POVS a lot! I just want you to see through the characters, not just Lovely. :)

here is chapter 11 (:


(Lovely's POV)


I can bluntly hear Harry talking to me, but I am completely zoned out. What was Ellie doing? What the hell..

I just wanna get out of here. I just wanna be with my Mom,Devy and Harry. Is that so much to ask for? I hear Harry sigh, giving up on talking to me.

My eyelids were heavy, and my mind slowly started to fade.

I laid my head on the door of the car, and slept.


My eyelids slowly lifted, I groaned in the process.

I look at my surroundings, and realize Im in my room. I quickly sat up, and scratch my head. How'd I get here? I turned to my bed and see a sleeping Harry, and I smiled to myself. He alway made me happy at the worst times.

I bent down and kissed Harry on the cheek, and went to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and let the warm water pour on my body.

"Can I join in?" I hear Harry say, and I jumped at his sudden voice.

I can even tell he was smirking at me.

"Get out, Harry."

"Pleeeaaaaase?" I giggled, ha like Im letting Harry see me naked.

"No! Now go make breakfast." I say in a baby voice.

Harry chuckles, in his low morning voice. Damn he's hot.

"Why, of course NOT!"


"Okay okay." I hear Harry say, and open the bathroom door.

"By the way, your shower doors are nice." And with that Harry left the bathroom.

"Huh...?" I say to myself.

"W- aw SHIT!"

My bathroom doors are blurred, but clear glass.

Damn you Harry.


Going downstairs with gray sweatpants and a white vneck, I spot Harry.. Cooking?

"What? Harry's cooking? Is that possible?!"

I yelled from the stairs. Harry turned around and playfully pouted, making me laugh.

"For your information, I make bomb ass pancakes."

"Let's found out shall we?" I gave Harry a grin then sat down and ate the pancakes.

"Damn Harry... These are hella good!!" I continued to dig in, the pancakes tasted amazing.

I hear Harry lightly chuckle at me eating so much, but I didn't really care.

As we both finished the pancakes, I rubbed my stomach. I ate 5 full pancakes.

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