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Okay, so I posted up a preview of a book I was interested in writing in the previous chapter, but I'm still deciding between a romance fanfic or another mystery/thriller.

All I know is that when this book is over I'll be writing a new one for sure!

This story isn't quite finished yet! Okay, I'm done :)








"HARRY! I'm starving and I'm getting mad now. What's going on? What're you guys hiding or what?!"

My eyes nervously looked over at the boys, who looked desperate. Liam mouthed "me" and Zayn mouthed "please". Oh my god.



"I...." I looked up in Lovely's eyes, and sighed.

"We were arguing over.. Your birthday present." I say quickly looking down after. I peek at the boys, Liam and Niall gave me a thumbs up while Louis and Zayn gave me death glares. I guess I'll have to deal with them later..

"Uh.. Okay? Well you guys are making a big deal out of it. And no need for a present, being here with me and taking me out is definitely enough." She smiled widely and hugged me.

"Yeah.. Uh okay.." I say hugging her back. I was pretty nervous about Louis and Zayn, they can't be that mad though.. Right?

"Here's the keys to the car, we'll meet you there in a few seconds." Liam hands Lovely the keys and she nods.

"Don't plan anything!" She says laughing then runs off. I hope I did the right thing.

I sighed, trying to walk with Lovely, but Zayn stops me.

"What the hell man!! You just lied- to my COUSIN about her TWIN sister! We have to tell her at d-"

"Harry I'm gonna kick your ass." Louis says glaring at me. I gulped and took a step back, because I've never been in this situation. Not with my best mates.

"Look, I just .. I couldn't break it to her. It's her damn birthday! She can know any other time, just NOT today." I say in a rush. Everyone stayed quiet until Zayn spoke up.

"Fine. But we ARE telling her tomorrow. We can't lie to her forever." We all nod, and start walking towards the car.

"What If she asks about Devy?" Niall asks. We continued walking, not saying anything.

What if she does?

"Just change the topic." Liam says. We reach the car, to find Lovely frowning at us.

"That took like a billion years." We sort of laughed awkwardly and got in the car. It's weird- it's never been awkward like that. Liam turns up the radio, and we drive off to wherever we're having dinner. This better be good.




(Lovely's POV)

Gosh they're idiots. A present? Like what, my life back? Wow I wish. But there's no point in wishing to go back, I'm pretty happy with how life is now.

The car ride to wherever we were going was silent, the music being the only sound.

It wasn't until Live While We're Young came on that we all smiled at each other like idiots and began singing loudly- Niall being the loudest.

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