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Hey lovelies! :) it's spring break for me! :)

-Thank you all for reading this and to those who vote! It really does mean A LOT. Love you lots :*


(Lovely's POV)

I feel a warm feeling on my face, seeing slight brightness through my eyelids. I open my eyes squinting, to find myself facing Zayn and Niall's beds.

They were still sound asleep, they could have a day off today.

I turn around remembering I slept with Harry, and there he was. Even in his sleep he looks beautiful. I pretty much starred at Harry for a few minutes, smiling at the thought of him.

I brush a curl out of his face, then kissed his nose. He slightly moved, but stayed asleep.

I decided to get up and get breakfast downstairs at the lobby. I'm pretty sure they have breakfast, I mean this hotel is really fancy.

I slide out of the bed and got my phone on the side drawer.

I tiptoe over to the bathroom, making sure they don't wake up.

I took a hot quick shower, then got out with my towel wrapped around my body, my hair soaking wet down my back.

I looked around the bathroom for my clothes, then face palmed myself.

I have no freakin clothes! I started to slightly panic, not knowing what to do. Wear the same clothes? Gross.

I open the door slowly, making that creaking sound which I now hate, and peek around. I quickly went over to the first drawer I see and grab a shirt and shorts.

Knowing that the boys obviously don't have panties around here, I got a clean pair of boxers and ran back to the bathroom.

"Eh, I guess this will do..." I slide on the clothes, and I looked like a tomboy. Ugh, whatever. I brush through my hair with my hands then went out.

I tiptoed to the door, which was useless now because I hear someone groan. I quickly ran to the door, and opened it. Yes!

But Before I could even go out, someone closes the door and turns me around so I'm facing them.

It's Niall.

I didn't stare in his eyes, Im not comfortable with it at the moment.

"Can you let me go? Or..."

I look up at him and he eyes me up and down, then gives me a smirk.

"Got a sudden interest in my clothes, eh?" Niall says in his thick Irish accent.

I look down, 'I'm so stupid!' I thought.

"Sorry, I'll give it back later."

I push Niall back and exited the room.

"Where are you going!" Niall yells as I run through the hallway. I ignored him and arrived at the elevator.

That was really weird...

I entered the elevator and pressed lobby. I waited, listening to the old classical elevator music.

The door opens, and I enter the lobby to find not much people.

Some people gave me glares and such, but I ignored it.

"Uh, excuse me? Sir?" I ask a man at the front desk.

The man looks up, and damn he looked tired.

"Whhaaatt.." He drifted off, and his eyes looked heavy.

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