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"What happened to Devy? Please don't change the topic. If you guys know, I think I should know too." I say, looking up to 5 flushed faces.


"We're here!" Liam says excitedly.

"Wait you didn't-"

"Come on Lovely! Can't let the cake wait!" Louis says pushing me out the van. I frown at them, stomping behind.

Something happened...

"Why isn't there Paparazzi?" I ask, deciding to ask them again later.

"No one knows we're in Hawaii, only Management. According to online gossip we're just hiding away in our homes. Some found out we were here, but who cares." I nod my head, following Liam into the elevator.

The elevator itself was big, but being the idiot boys they are, they squeezed close to me. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Can you guys move a little?"

"Nope." Figures.


"Why does this hall only have one door?" I ask.

"Because it's the main suite! It's that big." Niall smiles at me, I returning the favor.

I look over at Harry, who seemed pretty quiet after the fire.. I don't know what it was, but I was going to find out.

When we went inside, I was breathe taken. The whole floor was to ourselves- you can just imagine how gorgeous it is.

"This is 100x times better then my apartment, then any house I've seen." My eyes to straight to the huge cake sitting on the table in the living room.

The cake looked way too good to eat. It was red velvet, and on it was blue icing that said "Happy birthday lovely! We love you!" These guys have done so much for me, and It's only been about a month.

"Thank you guys.. So much. Really. I kinda don't know what to say, I'm pretty speechless." I say, trying to hold back the tears.

They all gave me a group hug, Harry surprisingly smiling at me. I pull them back from their tight embrace.

"Let's eat it!"


"There's exactly 6 beds total, so there isn't a problem." Liam smiles.

"Goodnight guys!" I hug each of them, Harry being the tightest.

"Hey Harry, can we talk?" I look up at his eyes, and he smiles- kind of sadly.

"Maybe next time.. I'm tired.." I frown, but decided not to beg him.

"Okay then... Just know that you can always talk to me about it.." I say awkwardly. I look up and he's staring at the wall. I don't know why but I was kind of irritated how he suddenly acts like this. By now all the boys were in their beds, so it was just me and Harry standing in the living room.

"Harry can you talk to me? Ever since that fire, you-"

"I've just been thinking, okay? Maybe I just don't want to fuckin talk." Harry snaps at me. I was taken aback by his response and I was upset.

I turn my heel and towards my bed, and without looking back I make sure Harry could hear me.

"Nice job on ending my birthday." I hoped he would be offended somehow, but instead I hear a door slam. I turn around and Harry was gone.

What the hell was that ?

No matter how sleepy I was, I couldn't sleep. The way Harry talked to me just a few hours ago wasn't expected. What did I do? Sighing, I got up out of bed and went to the kitchen. I took out a jug of juice and drank it from there. I'm really sensitive, and I do have feelings for Harry. Maybe we moved too fast. Yeah, we did. I said I fuckin love him, we aren't even an item and it hasn't even been a damn 6 months. I've never told anyone I loved them, only my family. There was something about Harry, that's for sure. But I don't love him.. I don't. I just have never felt the way I do with Harry. A sound coming from the living room startled me as I snap my head around.

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