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Note at the end :) glad to be back!


(Lovely's POV)

Running blindly, I follow the 4 boys in front of me, desperately trying to catch up to Harry.

Lily? Has to be a girlfriend right? I mean... Fuck why the hell does it matter? Either way it's bad for me and it breaks my heart. Especially if it's a daughter..

I ran as fast as I could, trying hard to hold in the tears that were threatening to escape. Why does this affect me as much as it does?

Soon I grow a cramp on the side of my body, tired of running so much. The boys stopped running and we ended up downstairs in the parking lot.

"We lost him." Zayn says, sounding not tired at all.

"Don't worry, I know Harry and he wouldn't go anywhere where we can't find him, we're in Hawaii. He'd get lost as shit." Louis says, and we all nod in silence.

We all stood quietly, probably taking in everything that's happened.

I have too much in mind to even tell right now. I'm in complete shock, heartbreak, and I'm just stressed.

"Let's go back to the hotel. He'll come around." Liam says, unsure of himself. We all get in the car, not speaking another word. I'm sure I wasn't the only one thinking about it.




(Harry's POV)

They'll find me eventually, but for now I seriously need to clear my head.

Mat seriously just called me out, in front of the boys. In front of Lovely. What a shit day Isn't it?

I sat down on the cement, not caring if it was dirty. Hiding behind the building was the only thing I could think of.

What the hell, I couldn't stop thinking. They know about it. They know about my daughter. Even worse, I'd have to take care of her since Aly's in jail. Great, just fuckin great.

This is the Harry Styles everyone, I am not perfect nor will ever be. I'm a fucked up mess. Sometimes I can't even believe I'm a damn father.

I knew it, I knew I couldn't keep the secret. It was bound to happen.. But not like this. It wasn't suppose to happen like this. Now everything's ruined.

I run my hand through my sweaty curls, my other hand covering my forehead as I thought deeply.

I would never leave the band. No, I can't do that. I know how many people are so dedicated to the boys and I, I can't leave. That's the last thing I'd do, I mean fuck we just broke up the worst way possible. I don't wanna be the reason we stop doing what we were born to do.

It's been about 20 minutes, and no one came around. Maybe I should look for them? God Harry, you're an idiot.

I stood up and looked left and right, deciding to just walk wherever my feet led me to.

What do I do with Lily? I have absolutely no idea. I don't even know what to say to the boys, and I don't even have enough space in my brain to process what's going on between me and Lovely.

Stopping my thoughts, a screeching sound of a car not so far away appeared. I halted and turned around, my heart tightening seeing that it was the boys. I wasn't ready, nope. Not. At. All.

I gulped, sending a quick prayer and walking slowly towards the van. I feel my face heat up as Niall opens the door for me, the door slams and the van is filled with silence. I sat alone in the back, trying to collect my thoughts together on what I would possibly say to them. It's okay Harry, you have the whole car ride to tell them.

You have a whole car ride to tell your 4 brothers who have told you everything and the girl that You pretty much like that I have a daughter and it's been more then 3 years. Shit, that sounds bad. Really bad.

A few minutes go by, and I was still furiously thinking that I didn't even hear Louis calling my name until he threw something at me.


"OUCH!" I say loudly. I rub my arm and pick up a metal water bottle. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he kept a straight face. Not a good sign.

"What?" I say nervously. Oh god.

"You know what." Lovely says with no emotion, not even looking at me. Ouch.

"We haven't moved the car, Harry. We've been here for 10 minutes. We're waiting." Liam says, frowning at me.

Stall them Harry. Stall them.

"Waiting for what?" That sounded stupid.

"Don't play dumb right now Harry, this is serious." Louis says. Ouch once again..

"I don't-"

"Drop it. We're your brothers and you know we would never judge you, never do anything that would go against you. Now tell us, the honest truth. We have to have this cleared up. Who is Lily?" Louis says with an edge, nearly a yell.

I'm not ready...

I stare at all of them blankly, then look down. I can't do this. Lovely was the only one not looking at me, and that hurt. But it's all my fault.

Minutes go by, and still I haven't said a word. I was afraid.

Suddenly, I hear a sigh and I look up, after what seemed like centuries.

Lovely turns around, her dark brown eyes looking me dead in the eyes. If looks could kill... Well you already know.

I couldn't pin point her expression, it was a mix. But I could see the sadness in her eyes.. But her tone throws me off.

"Spill it now. Or you won't ever see my face again styles, I promise you that."


(Lovely's POV)

"Spill it now. Or you won't ever see my face again styles, I promise you that."

A promise that I would surely break anyways.


Hey guys! Sorry that was shorter then usual but I've been busy..


It feels so good to write again. :) again, I deeply apologize for not writing for a long period of time :( I've been feeling way better.

If you were wondering, I wasn't writing because I wasn't sure about my life. Sounds ridiculous, but I thought writing about 5 boys who would never know me was pointless and I'm just disappointing myself. But I realized, that writing is my escape. Other then music, writing feels so good and during the time I didn't write I was upset and I missed writing a lot. And plus, I was disappointing all of you and I'm sorry. I have lost readers, but for those who have stuck with me; thank you. Thank you, so so so much. It seriously means a lot to me. Even if you only read one page, or just started reading it, or have been here since the beginning. Seriously, thank you. Every single read makes me happy, especially when I get messages.

To those who kiked me, thank you. You actually encouraged me to write again, thank you :)

And yes, I know this book isn't that good. It isn't that realistic, isn't it? I started this out just for fun, I wanted it to be a romantic story but was fun about that? I wasn't that good with romance, but I was at mystery. This isn't really a good mystery story either, I know, but hey I tried :) I MIGHT make another book, I'm working on it. :)

I'm not sure when I'd be able to update, but I swear I'll try. I'm in a new high school and I have tons of work and stuff, since last year I slacked a lot. I want to do it right this year, so please forgive me if it takes a while. I'll probably update at least once a week or twice. Whenever I can ill try!

Wow, sorry this is super duper long. But I'm happy to be back and I seriously love you all SO much. <3 thank you for 3.7k, I know it's not a lot but I could have never imagined it. <3

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