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IM SOSOSOSO SORRY TO EVERYONE WHO'S BEEN WAITING! I'm not dead! I've just been super busy lately, I just graduated tho!

I will update more! I decided to try and keep the story going. Anyways..

Much love~

Thank you for being patient!


(Lovely's POV)

He was running up to the bridge.

He was going to stop me.

No.. I want to do this. I have to, he doesn't need me in his life. I've caused too much...

I took in a deep breathe, here it goes.

I put the rope around my neck, shedding a tear.

On the count of 3...



Okay.. I hesitated a little.

Because I was hoping somebody would 'save me' in those 3 seconds.. Like in the movies. But this isn't a movie.. More like a nightmare.

I'll just countdown again.


I look to my right. Police and other people, asking me to stop.


I look to my left. Harry running up to me, along with the crowd following him. I love him. But.. I have to let go.


I look at the deep blue water.. It's waves crashing into the bridge.

No one saves me, of course.

Okay.. Maybe I won't do this.

Maybe.. Harry will stop me. Yeah. Because.. Maybe he cares.

I look back at Harry, but he was turned around. Not looking at me.

A girl. About 15 or 16.. Was holding Harry. That's where I lost it.

I loosened the rope a bit, then jumped.

And as soon as I did... I regretted it.

What am I doing?! No! It can't end like this..

As I was hanging, the pressure and pain on my neck was SO intense. It hurt.. So bad. I'll be dead in the next 10 seconds. And...













(Zayn's POV)

I finally arrived at the bridge.. Where everyone talked about a girl attempting to jump. I knew it was Lovely..

There was major traffic, and tons of police. I pushed through the people, not caring what the said to me.

"Excuse me, you can't go here." A police told me.

"SHES MY COUSIN! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" I yelled. I don't have time for this bullshit!

I look past the Police and she was breathing in deeply.. The rope was already around her neck. Shitshitshit.

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