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Hey guys! I'm new to this, like I really just started a few days ago Lol. I'm sorta still confused with how to do this but I'll manage! Please comment and tell me what you think! I've had this in mind for a while now :) thank you all :)

BTW, some stuff will be made up, like the concert and tweets etc etc. :)


(Lovely's POV)

"ELLIEEE! WHERE ARE THE TICKETS!" I shouted at Ellie so loud it hurt. I was overly excited about seeing our One Direction tickets. I can't believe we're really going.

Me and Ellie have been best friends since 6th grade. There was no awkwardness between us, and that's great for me because I am very awkward.

Ellie was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. She's one of those girls who are a complete package. She's also one of the kindest girls ever, she never gets mad. Unless, you say something bad against One Direction.

I would love to be her.

"HEELLLOOOO! SNAP OUT OF IT! HERE'S THE TICKETS!" I just realized I was daydreaming about how pretty Ellie was.. Weird.

"They're.. *sobs* .. BEAUTIFUL!" The concert was in a week, we're so lucky we got tickets.

"I can't wait to see them! especially my baby Harry! Ooooo!" Ellie blushed at her thoughts.

I was thinking the same thing.


I can't believe how fast the week went. It's Friday night, and I'm over at Ellie's house. Did I mention her room is filled with one direction posters and antiques? I'm serious, you can't see anything but one direction. It's on the walls,carpet, bathroom....

Anyways. We did our nails and chose our outfits for the concert. I decided to wear my one direction video diaries T-shirt with a blue skirt, my 1-D converse shoes, and my lucky paper airplane necklace. I haven't taken the necklace off since I got it 6 months ago. I loved it.

I literally couldn't sleep. I was so excited, imagining how the boys would sing and look like.. Particularly Harry. Now, believe me I love all of the boys, I just have that feeling for Harry.

Ellie is a Harry girl as well, and since she obviously had a better chance at Harry than me I kept my Harry thoughts to myself.

"2:32am, damn it." I whisper quietly to myself. I still wasn't asleep, so I decided to go on twitter.

@Loveeely1D: Can't sleep. Way too excited for the concert tomorrow! If you spot me, I will be wearing a really big 1D hat, so keep your eyes peeled! @Harry_styles @Nialloffical @real_liam_payne @zaynmalik @louis_tomlinson

I wasn't gonna wear the hat, i was if they noticed the tweet which i doubted. I set my phone down and listened to the crickets. Hehe, they sound pretty excited too.


I grabbed my phone under my pillow to see that

Harry. Tweeted. Back.

@Harry_styles:@Loveeely1D can't sleep either. I'll look for it, love! See u xx




I fan girl screamed quietly (I probably looked like an idiot) for about 10 minutes, then calmed down.

I cannot believe my eyes. the one and only Harry Styles tweeted me, and trust me it means a whole lot to me.

I was gonna tell Ellie, but.. I just had an feeling not to. She'd probably get their attention anyways..

I guess I'm gonna have to wear my 1D hat to the concert. I finally slept at 3:45am, smiling at the thought of Harry actually noticing me.

Lovely, the girl who was just another fan, might just have a chance...


Niall, I can't sleep! Mate wake up!

Niall groaned and squinted at the light from my phone. "Is there food? If not I'm sleeping again." Oh Niall.

"Yeah there is food, I put it in the bathroom shelf!" Niall quickly got up from his bed, surely wide awake now. Haha, it's always fun messing with Niall.

I decided to check twitter, I had nothing else to do. Looking through the tweets, I saw a tweet that wasn't in caps lock or said "Follow me"

@Loveeely1D: Can't sleep. Way too excited for the concert tomorrow! If you spot me, I will be wearing a really big 1D hat, so keep your eyes peeled! @Harry_styles @Nialloffical @real_liam_payne @zaynmalik @louis_tomlinson

Hmmm. I clicked on her profile and decided to tweet back. After that I viewed her profile picture (not stalking tho, right..?) to find two girls kissing a cut out of me. I thought it was quite funny, so I saved the photo. One girl was blonde, the other was,maybe dark brown? I don't know why but i had an interest in them.

I'll look for that hat.

"Hey man, there was no food there. Lies!" I chuckled. Works every time.

Niall pouted and went back to bed. As i was Falling asleep I could see Niall's phone from here, checking that Lovely girl's twitter.

"We should look for her.. Oh uh Like, the hat I mean." Niall said quite oddly.

Who knew that I would find it, and lead to a very confusing week...

Into a very confusing life.


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