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Don't let me go - Harry Styles is perfect. Like the tears are real he even wrote the song what even. I love you Harry okay

Sorry for not updating a lot! Please understand, I have had huge writers block for both stories and I've been busy with Summer plans!


(Lovely's POV)

"Uh doctor? When's my birthday?"

"It's tomorrow."

W-what?! Tomorrow?!

"I know you are shocked, everything that's happened to you. It's really a lot to handle, a-"

"March 3. I'm turning.. 19. What.." I say, talking to myself. I haven't been keeping track of time at all. Well, if you were in my shoes would you?

"Good thing is we're releasing you tomorrow!" The doctor smiled brightly at me. I smiled back, not knowing what else to say.

"So.. Lovely. You've been on the news, about your uh.. Sort of kidnapping. Have you been up to date on that?"

"What? No." I say honestly. I knew that I was on the news for that though..

"Well, you know that man? You're uh.. Father?"

I frowned at the thought of him. I can't believe my own father..

"Please. Don't call him my father. He never was. We may be blood related but that's it. There's no damn way he's been a father to me." I huffed. The doctor looked at me with wide eyes, Zayn putting the papers down and his attention on me as well.

"I am.. So sorry. I really am.. You don't have to deal with him anymore though."

I gave him a questioning look. "What?"

"Your f- Dave hasn't been charged of kidnap, because technically you're his daughter and you're legal, but he was charged for.. What someone reported.. Hurting you." My heart beat quickened. No one knew that besides Zayn, right?!

"Zayn did you report that?!" I looked at him, shocked.

He looked down at his shoes, which tells me he did.

"He deserves it Lovely, you know that. I had to, he shouldn't lay a finger on you anymore!" Zayn says, now looking at me. It's true.. I nodded.

"There's more." The doctor says awkwardly.

"There was also someone else reported, a girl about your age." I instantly knew who it was. And I'm damn glad.

"Ellie Bridge." I say with gritted teeth.

If it weren't for her.. Literally none of this would have happened. None. One direction would still be together, I wouldn't be-

"Hey, don't be so down on yourself. It's all in the past, okay?" Zayn said, rubbing my back. Damn it, I was thinking out loud again!

"Oh, and one last thing. We did see your bruises. We just can't do anything about it because its already fading away, but we do have medicine for the pain." I nodded, and the doctor exited the room without another word.

"I just wanna get out of here." I sighed. Zayn nodded.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Zayn says smiling. I half smiled, knowing that I couldn't get my old life back.

"I don't want anything."

"Oh, come on there has to be something!"

"I can't get my life back though.." I whispered, hoping Zayn didn't hear that.. But he did.

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