Chapter 32: Welcome to the tombs

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It was the next day

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It was the next day.

Rick figured after not giving Michonne and what Merle had done before his death that the Governor would be coming to attack.

The whole group had stayed awake and packed the whole prison. The idea was to make it seemed that they have left.

Rhea had packed everything into a bag which wasn't much and made her way to the car. On the way she saw her father by Merle's bike she walked towards him.

"You know, Merle never did nothing like that his whole life."

"I know, but no matter what, he gave us a chance." Rhea told him softly "We're ready." She hold her hand out and Daryl gave his daughter a small smile taking her hand and got up, before he pulled her towards him, giving his daughter a hug.

When they broke the hug Daryl led his daughter towards the car where Hershel, Xander, Carl, Beth and Judith were.

"Be very careful out there, you hear me." Daryl told his daughter.

"I always am dad. You be too." She gave him one last smile, before she get into the car sitting next to Xander.

He looked at her before he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together. She gave him a smile before she turned in her seat and saw Daryl standing there watching her leave.

She wanted to stay but she knew she couldn't.

Somewhere near the prison, but hidden in the woods

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Somewhere near the prison, but hidden in the woods. Hershel parked the car and everyone emptied out. Beth cradled Judith in her arms still and smiled down to the little baby.

"We need to protect the car."

"There's some broken sticks and leaves here." Rhea answered.

Xander and Carl followed the girl and found sticks with much dead leaves on it. In no time, the car was covered and blended some what well with the woods.

"Now what?" Carl asked.

"We wait." Hershel answered.

The minute those words left his mouth a loud explosion went off. Rhea sat up and walked next to Xander and Carl. The gunshots had stopped and that worried Rhea more than anything.

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