Chapter 35: Isolation

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It has been a few hours maybe after the whole fence thing

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It has been a few hours maybe after the whole fence thing. Carol, Rick, Daryl, Xander and Tyreese just have found Karen and David dead.

Daryl has been looking everywhere for his daughter, he was concerned that maybe something must have happened to her.

Daryl walked into Cell Block C and opened the curtain to Rhea and Xander's old dorm seeing no one was inside.

"Shit." The man cursed and walked outside by to the courtyard, when he saw her legs peeking out from a corner. "Rhea! Rhea!" He yelled and ran over to the girl only to see how sickly pale she was with purple bags around her eyes, sweating to death "Rhea, can you hear me? Rhea?"

 "Rhea! Rhea!" He yelled and ran over to the girl only to see how sickly pale she was with purple bags around her eyes, sweating to death "Rhea, can you hear me? Rhea?"

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"Daryl!" He heard and turned around to see Rick and Glenn running over.

"I found her like this." Daryl told them, his voice filled with fear and concern about his daughter.

"She's sick." Rick informed the concerned father.

At those words Daryl could feel his heart dropping. He already lost Merle and Mia, he couldn't loose Rhea too.

"She was coughing earlier when we were at the fence." Glenn informed them.

"Take her to Cell Block D." Rick told him.

"Why? So she can be murdered like Karan and David?!" Daryl yelled, but Rick shook his head.

"Doctor S is now there guarding the patients." Rick reasoned him.

Daryl nodded and he picked up his daughter and he started walking to Cell Block D. When he arrived he kicked on the door that Doctor S opened.

When he saw Rhea in Daryl's arms he looked up towards the father sadly "I'm sorry, Daryl."

"She's going to be okay." Daryl assured walking to an empty cell and placed her on the bed.

He moved some hair from her face and turned towards Doctor S "You watch her now, okay. Make sure no one except my people come near her."

"You have my word, Daryl." Doctor S promised him.

Daryl nodded, before he kissed her forehead and then he left Cell block C.

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