Chapter 65: No way out

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Rhea's hand was gripping her boyfriend's tightly, she had put her staff in her quiver with her arrows, so it will be easy for her to grab it if needed

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Rhea's hand was gripping her boyfriend's tightly, she had put her staff in her quiver with her arrows, so it will be easy for her to grab it if needed. She looked around at the walkers and none of them have figured out that they were there.

Rick had led the group near a bush and Rhea, Xander, Michonne and Carl looked around, checking their whereabouts and being weary of their surroundings.

"All right, new plan." Rick began, keeping his voice low "Flares from a few guns aren't enough. Too many walkers, too spread out. We're not going to the armory. We need our vehicles back at the quarry. All of us drive. We'll need to round 'em up. We leave, we come back." He set out the plan.

Jessie nodded "Okay..." She looked towards Carl holding Judith "But Judith... to the quarry and back, I..."

Rick pinches the bridge of his nose.

Gabriel then spoke up "I'll take her." Xander and Rhea looked at the man. "Keep her safe in my church until you all lead the walkers away."

"Can you do this?" Michonne asked him.

Gabriel nodded "I'm supposed to. I have to. I will."

Rick looked to his younger son and nodded. Rhea and Xander blocked them from the walkers seeing her. "All right."

Judith begins to whimper and Xander helped Carl and Gabriel successfully, Judith was under Gabriel's bloodied sheet.

"Take Sam." Jessie said before Gabriel has a chance to leave.

"No." Sam said, stirring up an argument.

Gabriel left with Judith and Sam stayed with Jessie. They decided to leave once more. Rick, Sam, Jessie, Carl, Rhea, Xander, Ron and Michonne were left and they stumble their way amongst the crowd again.

The sun had been gone and they were still walking with the walkers

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The sun had been gone and they were still walking with the walkers. They kept going and they were almost out of there when Sam had abruptly stopped and stood out of the line.

"Sam?" Jessie looks at her son "Sam? Come on, come on."

Rick, Ron and Jessie kept trying to get Sam to keep going but he didn't move. He was scared.

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