Chapter 73: The day will come when you won't be

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The end of the bat was pointing towards Abraham once Negan was finished

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The end of the bat was pointing towards Abraham once Negan was finished.

Rhea took a sharp breath as she tried kept her tears. But next to her Rosita couldn't, as tears started falling down her eyes. Rhea quickly grabbed the woman's hand and Rosita squeezed her hand tightly.

"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his brother, and then we'll start."

As Negan spoke, Abraham puts out a peace-sign aiming it towards both Sasha and Xander.

The older Grimes boy took a deep breath as he tried very hard not to cry right now.

He was going to loose a good friend. A family, and he couldn't do anything about it. And that was pissing him off, but he kept his face blank as he tried not show any emotion.

"You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that." Suddenly, Negan slammed his bat on Abraham's head, making everyone gasped loudly. "Oh! Look at that! Taking it like a champ!" Negan told, looking at Abraham.

"Suck... my... nuts." Abraham let out and Negan slams his bat on Abraham's head once more and continued swinging.

Negan had finished with his beating of Abraham and Rhea felt sick to her stomach, but she swallowed it. Next to her, Rosita was letting dry sobs, as she cried for her lost love.

"Did you hear that?" Negan chuckles to himself "He said 'Suck my nuts!' Phew." He laughed and looked at his bat, the blood on every surface.

Rhea glared at Negan, she could feel her cuff tightening on her wrist, wanting to be released and kill.

Rhea wanted to kill.

"Oh, my goodness! Look at this!" He swing his bat and blood splattered on the group, only droplets. "You guys, look at my dirty girl!"

Negan walked towards Rosita, the woman squeezed Rhea's hand even tighter, as he hold his bloody bat towards her.

"Sweetheart... Lay your eyes on this." Rosita's eyes remained on Abraham's corpse, she had been as terrified as everyone there. "Oh, damn." Negan looked towards Abraham's dead body and then back at Rosita "Were you - Were you together? That sucks."

Rhea hated Negan. She wanted to beat him to death with a bat next. He deserved it.

"But if you were, you should know there was a reason for all this. Red - and hell, he was is and will ever be red. He just took one or six or seven for the team! So take... a damn look." Negan holds his bat towards Rosita's face. "Take a damn look!" He yelled.

"Leave her the fuck alone you dick!" Rhea screamed and at the same time Daryl leap foward and punched Negan in the face "Dad, no!" She yelled and tried to go to him, but Rosita and Glenn hold her back.

"No!" Negan yelled as he pointed his bat at Rhea, but she just glared at him furiously.

Rhea's glare was replaced with fear as she watched her father being held on the ground by Negan's men.

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