Chapter 74: Service

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It's been three days since that night

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It's been three days since that night.

Rhea wasn't the same since that night, she was colder and she was constantly at the back yeard shooting furiously arrows in the tree.

She was barely sleeping, she couldn't, knowing that her father was with the asshole that killed two people Rhea cared about... she just couldn't.

The Grimes brothers were very conserned about the girl, Daryl was her whole world.

He was her only blood family and now he was gone.

She didn't talk to anyone, she preferred to be alone and that's why the brothers left her be.

Xander was walking by the gate, lost in his thoughts when he heard cars driving up and saw the silhouette of the man he hated the most in this world

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Xander was walking by the gate, lost in his thoughts when he heard cars driving up and saw the silhouette of the man he hated the most in this world.

The man that broke Rhea.


He glared at the gates and the asshole whistled as he walked up to the gate, his bat meeting the metal three slow times.

"Little pig, little pig, let me in!"

Rosita glanced over to Spencer, who stepped towards the canvas and pulled the canvas open, revealing the son of a bitch and his men.

"Well?" Negan asked, annoyed.

"Um, who are you?" Spencer asked.

Xander grimace at the idiot, he turned his gaze towards Rosita who just rolled her eyes.

Negan chuckled "Oh, you better be jokin'. Negan, Lucille. I know I had to make a pretty strong first impression." Spencer was still confused, until Rick walked up from behind his son. "Well, hello, there. Don't make me have to ask."

Rosita slowly walked up next to the Grimes's boy, holding a glare herself.

"You said a week. You're early." Rick muttered, pulling open the gate.

Negan smiled. "I missed you, especially the Dixon girl." Xander growled under his breath trying very hard not to attack the fucker. A walker started to stumble towards them. "Oh, Rick, come on out here. Watch this!" Negan turned around and started towards the walker. "Calling it!" He swings the bat at the walker's head. "Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" Negan laughed, turning back towards the group "All right, everybody. Let's get started. Big day!"

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