"If you think Rick is the problem, I guess you don't know what I'm fucking capable of you asshole." - Rhea Dixon
"I guess I do have more balls even than you Shane." - Rhea Dixon
"I'm a Dixon. And I've been through a lot more hell than any of you ev...
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After meeting Judith, Negan decided to prepare dinner.
Rhea stood beside Negan, eyeballing him and looked over at Carl, rolling some dough as Negan prepared the sauce for spaghetti.
"Ah. Damn, that smells good. Mmm! Either of you want a taste?" Negan questions, looking at Rhea and Carl "Okay. Dinner's almost ready." He said as Olivia walks in, already getting to making the lemonade Negan wanted.
Negan sat at the table and Rhea, grabbed the plates and forks and began to go and set up the table. She set herself, Carl and Negan a plate, Olivia said she wasn't eating.
Negan clicked his tongue. "We're gonna need another setting." She sighed rolling her eyes, before getting another setting.
Dinner had been finished and everyone sat in utter silence. Negan sat at the edge, while Carl and Rhea sat on one side.
Everyone was quiet until Negan spoke up. "I'm not waiting for your dad and brother anymore. I don't know where the hell they are, but Lucille..." He placed his bat on a seat "is hungry." He looked over at Rhea "Rhea, pass the rolls..." She stared daggers at the man and just stared at him and Negan had to admit, it scared him just a little bit, though. "Please." Negan said and she sighed.
Things were interrupted when a male voice was heard from outside. They went to the window, it was Spencer, almost arguing to be let in with the women outside the house.
"Can I go inside?" Spencer asked, but she responded with a firm "No."
"Don't be an asshole Arat. Let the man pass." Negan said and stepped out onto the porch but Carl and Rhea stayed inside.
She was giving Spencer a death glare, whatever he was trying to do won't be good.
"Oh crap. Is that for me?" Negan asked about the bottle of whiskey Spencer had brought.
"We haven't officially met. I'm Spencer Monroe. Hi." He introduced himself with his stupid grin.
"I'll take this one to sleep." Rhea told Carl, before she walked upstairs to put Judith to sleep.
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