Chapter 80: Something they need

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While she away on that run Tara had met another group named 'Oceanside'

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While she away on that run Tara had met another group named 'Oceanside'. She made them a promise not to say anyone about them, but she had to broke that promise so she can help her people. They had the guns they needed and they needed them terribly.

A lot of the Alexandrians decided to go and Jesus, Enid and Rhea, followed by a couple of people from Hilltop decided to go, too.

Unfortanately Xander was no where to be seen, which really conserned Carl and Rhea.

They had gotten there by boats since the place was called 'Oceanside'. Rhea stayed close to Carl and Enid, carrying her bow and being careful of her surroundings. They hid and waited.

"Do you ever think about who you've killed?" Enid questioned as she looked at both Carl and Rhea.

Carl thought hard and he nods "Yeah."

"Nope." Rhea answered honestly, she then looked at the girl with a blank expression "It's too much thinking."

The next move of their intricate plan was to set up explosives near the newfound community

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The next move of their intricate plan was to set up explosives near the newfound community. They didn't wanted to hurt anyone, they just needed their guns. Rhea held her bow tightly in her right hand as they walked to the designated spot. Rhea could see Daryl and Jesus working on explosives.

"You think this'll work?" Rhea asked the young couple.

"It better," Carl muttered.

"I'm sure it will," Enid said and sent the older girl a half-smile, then her smile fall when she saw Rhea's distance stare "You worried about him?"

Rhea looked at the younger teenager and sigh before nodded her head "Yeah, but I know he will be fine. He always is fine."

"He is, I know he is and besides Rosita and Sasha won't let anything happened to him." Carl said to his best friend with a light smile.

Rhea looked at the two and smiled at them.

"I'm starting the clock," Rick announced, looking at his watch.

"Here goes nothing," Rhea whispered to herself.

"Here goes nothing," Rhea whispered to herself

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