9 - Let me take you for a ride

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My alarm went off at 9AM. Liv was already getting dressed and ready, just because she was going to say good morning to Harry when he was coming to pick me up at 10AM. She wasn't going with us, but she refused to look like a wreck in front of him. 

"How am I supposed to make him want to date me, if he sees me looking like a corpse?" She chuckled as she added the first layer of makeup. I quietly put some mascara on and packed my bag, so I was ready to be picked up. Harry texted me to check if I was ready. He sent me a selfie and I couldn't help but smile at my phone. I caught myself doing it and reined in my expression.

I felt like an asshole and a really bad friend for replying to his message with a selfie, when my best friend was sitting there dolling herself up for him

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I felt like an asshole and a really bad friend for replying to his message with a selfie, when my best friend was sitting there dolling herself up for him. I wished I didn't want to text him. It would be so much easier if I just ignored him and didn't answer. But there was a part of me that desperately wanted those little sprinkles of him. A sadistic side of me that wanted to feel his eyes on me, when I couldn't have anything else of his on me. 

"You're so cute, Bug. You always dress like a kid," Liv said and I was fairly sure it was supposed to be a compliment, but I felt a slight sting at the same time. She hugged me and buckled the other strap that I had just left hanging. "I'm so happy you came to see me. I'm really going to miss you," she kissed my forehead and hugged me. 

"Me too, Liv. I'm going to miss you terribly. When will you be back up north?" I asked, as I picked up my impossibly heavy duffel bag, cursing myself for not getting one of those trolleys to roll around instead. 

"So far I know I'll be home for the 4th of july at least," Liv said. "The boys are coming home too, right? I know Aiden is anyways."

I nodded and hurled my bag over my shoulder. "Syl's coming home from England too. He was talking about bringing his English girlfriend. Should be interesting." I wagged my eyebrows. 

My brother had taken off to England for university, much to my dad's joy. He hadn't been home much since he started studying abroad, and most of our communication was FaceTime and texts. But this summer he would finally be home again, and I couldn't wait to see him.

The doorbell rang and Liv turned into a nervous wreck. "He's here. Okay... I'm just going to go open. Come out in like two minutes?" 

I nodded and put my bag back down on her bed, waiting for her to say hello and do what she needed to. I waited a couple of minutes until I heard her laugh loudly, then I hoisted the bag up over my shoulder and went out to say hello. 

If Liv had had a tail it would have been wagging intensely. She looked almost electric, as she leaned against her door, smiling at Harry. He did look really good with his hair a little more unruly than normally, his curls springing to life. I did my best not to stare at him, and just waved and said hi. 

He smiled at me and gestured for me to hand him my bag. "I'm okay," I said and tried to avoid his chivalry, but he insisted and threw it over his shoulder effortlessly. My mind wandered to what else he could throw over his shoulder like that, and by the look of Liv, so did hers. I turned to face her and put my hands on her cheeks. "Love you, be good, take care," I said and wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her. 

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