26 - The mile high club

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I felt like a fish on a bicycle boarding the tiny private jet with Harry. He carried my bag and let me walk up the boarding stairs first to be greeted by a flight attendant. She smiled warmly at me and welcomed me. "Mr. Styles," she said when Harry came up behind me. "Can I take your luggage?" 

"That's okay Christa, I'll just stick them in the hold." Harry smiled kindly at her, and herded me into the cabin, which was divided into different sections, including a seating area, a galley, a toilet, and apparently a small bedroom. Harry gave me a grand tour of the place. 

"It's almost the size of my entire apartment," I chuckled and sat down in one of the plush, adjustable leather seats. I hummed satisfied and wiggled in the chair. "Oh wauw... This is very comfortable." Harry laughed warmly and bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. 

"You're cute," he said and smiled at me, as I sat cross legged in the huge seat, feeling like a powerful bitch on her way to LA. In reality I was scared and worried that things would become difficult once I saw Liv. I really wanted her to be alright, and I wanted her to know that I was going to be here for her always. But somehow I would eventually have to tell her that Harry and I were fooling around. 

Harry sat down in the seat next to me and reached over to buckle my seatbelt. I chuckled at him, as he looked up at me. "What?" He asked as he did his own seatbelt. 

"You did that the day you took me to the airport from Liv's place too. Buckled my seatbelt." I chewed on the inside of my cheek. 

He scoffed, took my hand and led it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand. "I guess I like taking care of you. I did meet you mid-fall, remember? I caught you before you hit the ground." 

"So what you're saying is that I'm clumsy and need to be minded?" I giggled and poked his chest. He laughed and shook his head. 

"No, you don't need it. I just like to do it." He laced his fingers with mine, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb. I leaned back in the seat, facing him. I pulled my legs up under myself and smiled at him as my eyes scanned down his body.  "Elowen?" He said with a knowing smile.

"Yes?" I bit my lip not to laugh. 

"Don't look at me like that," he warned and shook his head. 

"Like what?" I asked and pressed my lips together, giving him my most innocent, doe-eyed look. He sighed and rolled his eyes as he ran his finger over my cheek. He leaned back in his seat, facing me, while he just looked at me and observed my face. His eyes were sparkling green, intoxicatingly beautiful and alluring, like he was trying to hypnotize me. I narrowed my eyes at him, which made him laugh. "I see what you're doing... Trying to hypnotize me with those beautiful eyes of yours. Well it won't work, let me tell ya." 

"Me? Hey, you're the one giving me those bedroom eyes. I'm simply trying to calm you down, before you overheat and become a security risk," he put his hand on my forehead and hushed me, pretending to calm me like a wild animal. I burst out laughing and it was such a free feeling, the way he made things feel light and easy.

"Harry!" I exclaimed through fits of laughter, as he used his best horse whisperer technique on me, hushing me and stroking my face. I laughed until I had tears in my eyes, which coincided with the captain turning off the 'fasten seatbelt' sign. Harry unbuckled our belts, got up from his seat, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the small bedroom in the back of the cabin. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong so I gave up and just hung like a bag of potatoes. He put me down on the bed and leaned over me with a smirk on his lips. 

"Do you give up, little one?" He said as he pulled my shoes off my feet. 

"Obviously!" I exclaimed and threw my hands over my head. Harry laughed while he unbuttoned my jeans, calmly undressing me until I was just in my underwear. He took his shirt off, unbuttoning every small button carefully. I huffed and blew out a frustrated breath at his slow pace, which made him chuckle. 

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