52 - London, baby!

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Looking out of the small window as we flew over the English countryside was like being reminded of a distant, childhood memory. We flew over the lush green landscapes, dotted with quaint villages, patchwork fields, and winding rivers. Fields of vibrant green, golden wheat, and blooming wildflowers passed by below us and looked like art, while hedgerows and stone walls divided the landscape into sections. There were charming villages with their centuries-old stone cottages and historic churches peeked out from among the trees. I wanted to take a thousand pictures and send dad, but I only snapped a couple for him. The countryside turned into more populated areas, with highways and cities with skyscrapers. When we were circling in on Heathrow Airport, we were asked to secure our safety belts and prepare for landing. Harry naturally strapped my seat belt in and pulled it a little tightly, making me exhale in what could only be described as a hiss. 

"Easy there, kitten," he chuckled and clicked his own belt in. "Want to hold my hand while we land?" He asked and I nodded, holding onto his hand tightly. I wasn't comfortable with take offs and landings. It seemed to be the most vulnerable time during a flight, like that was the time where something could go seriously wrong. Harry was so used to flying that he didn't have that concern. He wasn't too keen on turbulence though, which comforted me a bit. At least there was something he wasn't good with. 

"Niall is wondering if you're aware that it's summer in the UK?" Harry chuckled as we were waiting for our suitcases at the luggage belts

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"Niall is wondering if you're aware that it's summer in the UK?" Harry chuckled as we were waiting for our suitcases at the luggage belts.

"What do you mean?" I asked and gave him a quizzical look. 

"You're wearing a sweater, a coat and a beanie and it's warm outside," he pointed out and booped my nose with his index finger. 

"This is not my first rodeo, handsome. I've been here before, and as soon as we stepped out of the airport, it was raining. And do you know when it stopped?" I paused for him to shake his head. "When we got back to New York." I arched an eyebrow at him. "So I've come prepared wearing layers. Should I be pleasantly surprised I'll just start peeling layers off." 

Harry laughed and looked lovingly at me. "You're a pretty clever cookie, you know? It's always best to come prepared, and I must say you have." 

I leaned my back against him and he put his arms around me while he held his phone in front of me. He replied to messages and checked missed calls. I leaned my head back and looked up at him, he smiled at the sight of me, but tried not to get distracted. "You posted about me on Instagram again? I'm beginning to suspect you might like me a little," I said and read the comments under his picture. "AnneT is your mum, right?" 

"Yeah. She's very excited. Hope that doesn't make you nervous?" He said and liked his mum's comment. 

I scoffed. "Not at all... In no possible way. I mean... Have you met me? Would I get nervous about something as mundane as meeting your mum, who you adore and who adores you? I'm cool." My voice practically oozed sarcasm. Harry chuckled and kissed the top of my head. 

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