49 - Hi mum.

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Harry's POV

Elowen was on the phone with Josh, so I stepped out to make a couple of calls. I had already gotten my assistant to look at possible dates for us to take off to the UK. Hopefully we would be able to leave within the following couple of days. 

I called Niall first to let him know that we were going to head to the UK as soon as possible. He was happy for us and assured me that I wouldn't need to worry about the business at all. I was free to focus on my family and El. Niall had everything under control, he said. I didn't want to ask him, if he knew whether Liv was under control as well. There was still radio silence between her and El, and there was no chance of her and me talking, but Niall could potentially still be someone she would contact once the anger she felt towards El and me diminished. 

My second call was to my mum. It was early in Cheshire, but she was usually up early, always on the go, a busy woman with lots of things going on. It rang a couple of times before she answered. 

"Harry, love, is that you?" She said lovingly on the other end. 

"Hey mum, how are you?" I couldn't help but smile just by the sound of her voice. 

"I'm good. So good," she said and started telling me about a charity she was working with and how much of a difference even the smallest involvement made. I loved that she was such a passionate and devoted woman, who wanted the best for everyone. We were a privileged family, partly and quite heavily due to me and Niall. My family would never be left wanting for anything. They were set for life. 

"Uhm, mum... I'm going to come home soon for a visit," I started, but had to pause as she started crying happy tears over the prospect of seeing me soon. "I'm looking forward to coming home to Cheshire. It's been quite a while," I chuckled. 

"It's been forever! I'm so excited. Are you going to stay with us, or what is your plan?" I could basically hear the smile in her voice. 

"I think we'll stay for a night," I said, suddenly realising that I had said 'we', which I was sure mum had picked up on. I closed my eyes and waited for her reaction. It didn't take many seconds until she started asking questions. 

"We? Who's we, Harry? Is Niall coming back with you?" She asked. 

I cleared my throat. "Ummm, 'we' is not Niall and me, no. It's... Well it's Elowen and me." For some bizarre reason I was nervous telling my mum about El, even though I knew she would just be thrilled for me.

Mum almost squealed into my ear, making me flinch. "Elowen? What a beautiful name! Tell me more honey, I need to know everything. Oh my god I am so excited." 

"I'll send you a photo real quick, hold on," I quickly messaged her a photo, so she could see the person we were talking about. "She's lovely; a smart and funny girl. She's an MRI technologist from Naples in Maine, but she lives in New York. And yeah, she's my... girlfriend." I had never brought a girl home to meet my mum. I had had plenty of girlfriends, but I had never been serious enough to bring someone into my family's life in case they got attached and I didn't. My mum and my sister had always been the biggest part of my life, and the most important people to me. My sister had a baby now, so I could add my niece to the list along with Elowen.

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