55 - Meet my family

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Harry's POV

El was beyond excited about her brother and Sarah getting engaged. It was cute the way she threw her arms around Syl's neck and squealed with joy when we got back to the table. She spent all night smiling from ear to ear and wiping tears of joy from the corners of her eyes. Syl made her promise she wouldn't tell a living soul, and she did the scout's honor and winked at him. 

We celebrated in style; we had champagne and went out for cocktails. Sarah convinced Syl to dance with her, and as they disappeared into the crowd on the dancefloor, I leaned into El and asked if she would like to dance. She made the sweetest little snort-laugh and looked at me like I had told her a joke. 

"What?" I chuckled.

"I don't dance, Harry. I'm clumsy, remember?" She cupped my cheek in her hand and stroked her thumb over my cheekbone. I rolled my eyes at her, got up to my feet and held my hand out for her. She looked amused at my hand and slowly shook her head, but got up to her feet and took my hand in the end. I led her to the dancefloor and put my arm around her waist, pressing her close to me. Then I took her hand and gently swayed with her, no big dramatic moves, just gentle slow dancing. 

The bass, from what I assumed was a hit song by The Chainsmokers or Calvin Harris, thumped loudly and people were jumping and dancing to the beat. And there we were, slow dancing in the outer perimeter of the crowd. El looked around a bit at first and laughed joyfully, loving the contrast between us and the crowd. But eventually she settled in and leaned her cheek against my chest, just swaying with me. I leaned my cheek against the top of her head and took in the scent of her shampoo, letting it flood my senses. We danced like that for a long time, until she looked up at me and smiled gesturing for us to go sit down again. She sat in my lap and held her arm around my neck, toying with the hair at the nape of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine, the good kind. Syl and Sarah came back to the table as well and we all toasted a couple of times, before we agreed to head back to my place. 

Once we finally got to bed, she slipped under the covers and cuddled into me, resting her head on my chest. 

"Are you happy?" I asked her, while I ran my fingers up and down her arm. 

She nodded. "Mm-hmm, I'm thrilled. Sarah is wonderful and Syl loves her. I'm excited for them." I couldn't see her face, but I could hear the smile on her lips when she spoke. I held her close and there was this little voice nagging at the back of my head, like there was something I wanted to talk to her about, but I wasn't sure I should go there, talking about plans, dreams and the future. 


We sent Syl and Sarah off the next morning. We were heading to my mum's place that afternoon, and to say that El was nervous, was an understatement. She held onto Syl for a while, hugging him to say goodbye, but also for comfort. He grinned at me over her shoulder and cupped her face in his hands. 

"El, everything is going to be fine. I'm more than sure that Harry's mother will love you. Just be you," he leaned close and looked into her eyes. "Yes, you." He confirmed. 

"Even if I'm a clutz?" She said awkwardly, her cheeks pushed out from the way Syl was squeezing them. 

"Yes. Do you hide from Harry?" He arched an eyebrow. 

"Of course not!" She said determinedly, but the look of her squished face and furrowed brows made her look so incredibly cute that both Syl and I let out a laugh. 

Syl let go off her cheeks and hugged her. "Be the woman Harry knows then. With every little peculiarity." She nodded and took a deep breath, before she wrapped her arm around my waist and waved goodbye. I laced my arm around her shoulders and squeezed her. They had only driven a couple of metres, before the car jerked to a halt and Syl rolled down the passenger seat window and stuck his head out. "And get that fucking restraining order!" 

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