42 - Back to New York

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The sun was setting when we made our way back to the house. Harry kept sneaking a hand up under my skirt, where my panties were very much missing. He chuckled when I yelped and tried to run away from him. He caught me and twirled me around a couple of times before he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and walked nicely back towards the lakehouse. Dad was sitting on the front porch reading a book when we came up the gravelled road. He looked at us over the rim of his glasses and smiled knowingly. "And where have you two been, if you don't mind me asking?" He said and put his book down. 

I blushed under my dad's gaze, but luckily Harry was more confident. "El showed me around the forest a bit. I'm completely amazed by that grand oak tree down in the clearing. I took a couple of photos," he got his phone from his pocket and sat down next to dad and swiped through the photos. Dad was impressed and started telling Harry about that kind of oak tree, where and when it originated from and how it might have been an important rendezvous point during the civil war. 

I smiled cheekily at Harry as I snuck off inside, desperate to get upstairs and slip a new pair of panties on. But I barely made it through the door before mom was there giving me one of her looks. 

"What?" I said and looked around me to see if there could possibly be someone else she was giving that look. 

"You almost missed dinner, young lady. I kept it hot and was just about to tell people to come eat." She slammed the pot lids in her hands together, making me cover my ears and whine at the loud noise. 

"I just need to use the toilet quickly," I tried, but she gestured for me to go sit down at the dinner table. 

"I think you've made us wait enough today, Elowen," mom said and started putting food on the table.

I tried to pull my skirt far enough down so I sat on it and not directly on the chair. I winced when the coldness of the chair touched my skin. Nellie looked quizzically at me and I tried to pretend I had a sore knee. Dad and Harry came in and sat down. I gave Harry a small look, making an 'oh-shit'-face, but he just furrowed his brows and looked questioningly at me. Syl and Sarah came downstairs and sat down and Aiden followed shortly after. 

"About time you two got back," Syl said and gave me an annoyed look. 

"We lost track of time," I said and shrugged. Aiden scoffed at my comment and arched an eyebrow at me. I looked at him with narrowed eyes, wondering if he'd like me to include our parents in his acts during the week. He must have caught the attitude correctly, because he moved his gaze to his food and didn't say anything else. 

I struggled to eat dinner. It was as if I was sure the entire table knew I was naked under my skirt, and that it was just a question of time before someone made a comment about it. Well, that or the fact that I had recently orgasmed louder than the piercing mating call of a peacock. I mostly moved my food around on my plate, something I had done a lot as a teenager, when I wasn't having the most healthy relationship with food or my body. Harry gently put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it, obviously to comfort me and calm me down enough to eat my dinner. But I tensed under his touch and looked quickly at him, as if to warn him. He furrowed his brows and looked a little amused. Nellie was telling some story about an apple pie contest, which Harry chuckled at to cover up that he was chuckling at the fact that when his fingers traveled under my skirt, he found me bottomless. 

"Elowen, you're not eating much," dad said and leaned closer to look at my plate. "You've just sorted the plate into colours." 

I panicked a little as dad leaned forward, scared that he would notice Harry's hand making its way up under my skirt. 

"Eerm, yes, I'm... trying something new," I said and leaned my arms on the table, covering any view of my lap. "It's uhm... eating aesthetically. Supposedly it does something to your chakras or blood type of something like that," I rambled on while Sarah and Syl looked suspiciously at me and Harry tried not to laugh next to me.

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