19 - Can we meet?

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Sometimes making a promise can solve problems momentarily and cause so much more trouble in the long run. I wanted Harry, just as much as he said he wanted me. When I thought of him my heart automatically sped up, my lips tingled and I couldn't stop smiling. I kept thinking about the way he had looked at me when he told me he wanted me. It was passionate, frustrated and desperate. I had promised him I wouldn't ignore him, so I started by following his Instagram account. He followed me back, and immediately started liking all the pictures of me. I chuckled to myself on the train on my way home from work, when I went through the amount of likes he had dropped throughout the day. 

My next mission was to see if he had Snapchat. When I couldn't find him, I sent him a text message and asked him whether he had Snapchat and was hidden, or he just didn't have it. It took about ten minutes, and he added me to his contacts. 

"Why Snapchat?" He wrote. 

"It doesn't save the evidence," I wrote back, feeling like the worst friend in the world. But I would set it straight. I had promised I would. 

He quickly caught up with the usage of Snapchat and the fact that I knew the messages would be deleted within 24 hours meant I was less nervous that Liv would find out somehow. I wasn't asking about their time together, when they saw each other and for how long, where or why. I just pretended that it didn't matter. 

I was lying in bed, chatting with Harry, when he asked about seeing me again

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I was lying in bed, chatting with Harry, when he asked about seeing me again. I wasn't set to go to LA any time soon, and the only plan I knew of, was that they would be joining Liv when she came home for the 4th of July. 

The hill I was on wasn't steep; it was a freefall. If I engaged in this, there was no way back. If I invited him to come over, on his own, to stay here with me, I was opening a door I couldn't close again. I would officially break the girl code with no going back, and if Liv found out, she would be within her full right to deem us cheaters and never speak to either of us again.

My phone started vibrating, Harry was video calling me on Snapchat. I cursed myself for having suggested we use the damn app in the first place. I fluffed my hair up a bit and answered his call.

"Hey," I said when his face came up on my screen. 

"Took you too long to write back, I got impatient," he chuckled and the cheeky look on his face made me smile so much I almost couldn't stop. "I mean it, Elowen, when can I see you?" 

"You're looking at me right now, aren't you?" I said teasingly. 

He rolled his eyes at me and laughed. "It's not enough though." 

I closed my eyes and tried to control the blush in my cheeks, but when I opened an eye and peeped at him, he just shook his head at me. 

"You're not invisible, I can still see you. And I'm not going anywhere, so you have all night to tell me when I can see you again." He leaned the phone against his pillow and laid on his stomach in front of it, resting his face on his arms. "Are you wearing a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt?" 

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