31 - Dinner and a show?

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The boys were going to stay in Liv's old room, while she stayed with me in my room. We helped them get settled in, and started by showing them around Liv's house, backyard and their side of the wooden dock. Liv acted as a tour guide showing them everything and telling them little anecdotes, mostly of her own experiences, but sometimes adding me to the narrative. Harry kept sneaking looks and smiling at me, making me blush. 

"...and so that's our side of the fence. Let's go to El's side," Liv said in her perfect guide manner. She showed them towards the gate between our places and as we walked into my backyard, Rascal came galloping towards us. I chuckled as both Niall and Harry fell to their knees and petted Rascal, who was on cloud nine, getting head and belly scratches while being showered with praise for being a good boy. 

"Look at you, you're a real beaut aren't ya? I could just kiss you, such a bundle of fluff... Who's a good boy?" Niall said while he rubbed Rascal's ears. 

"Suddenly I find myself hoping it's me..." Harry joked and I laughed loudly. I clasped my hand over my mouth much to Harry's amusement. I caught sight of Liv, who had an indifferent look on her face. 

"Should we continue the tour?" She asked and stepped over Rascal, making it towards the lake and our side of the dock. Niall gave me a comforting look, and hurried after her, while Harry and I followed. Rascal trotted after Harry like he figured he was his new owner. I chuckled and tried to get him to come to my side, but he just kept right on Harry's heels with his tongue hanging out his mouth and a wagging tail. 

"Apparently Rascal really likes you," I looked at him, and had to control the butterflies in my stomach before they made me take off. Harry patted Rascal's head and looked back at me. 

"He's a good boy. Hopefully he'll put in a good word for me," he smirked cheekily at me. 

I wanted to hold his hand, have him put his arm around me or to stop to hug and kiss him. Instead I just had to savour the small, innocent things I could have. A hand on my arm, a hand on my back and some pretty intense eye contact. 

Liv was impatiently waiting at the dock, looking out over the lake, pointing out various spots to Niall. 

"...and over there is the doctor's practice, so we'd just row over there to go to check-ups." Liv looked at me and smiled, but I quickly picked up on how the smile never reached her eyes. She was very obviously annoyed and possibly upset about something. She stomped by Harry and up towards the house, Niall doing his best to keep up with her. 

"What's wrong with her?" I took Harry by the arm and looked nervously at him. He sighed and gave me an apologetic look. 

"I told her that she and I would never be anything but friends. She agreed, but kept adding ways for us to be friends with certain benefits. I told her I wasn't interested and that even though she thought I wasn't into relationships, I am if I'm in love." He spoke fast and quietly, as we walked towards the house. 

I arched an eyebrow at him. "And is she upset about that?" 

"She got cocky and asked if I was in love." He looked up towards the house, where Niall and Liv disappeared in the door. Then he looked back at me, made me stop walking and took a deep breath. I shrugged at him, like I was waiting for him to elaborate. He seemed nervous and didn't say anything. 

"Well? What did you say?" I kept looking between him and the door, not wanting to get caught alone with him. He rubbed his face with his hands and put them behind his head while he looked up at the sky. 

"I told her I am." He said just as Nellie came out on the porch and called everyone in for dinner. Harry gave me a sheepish look and gestured for me to lead the way. I was sure my eyes must have doubled in size and the questions festering in my mind were nearly too much to bear. Was it the truth? Was he in love? With me?

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