28 - How do you feel?

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I visited Liv a couple of times during my days in LA. Harry drove me, but didn't come in with me the following times, I went. He said he had a lot of work related stuff to look into, but he would pick me up when I wanted to go back. I stayed with Liv for hours at a time, which meant he had lots of time to get work done. 

We goofed around, watched TikTok videos, took silly pictures and laughed a lot. When Harry wasn't around, Liv was just herself. She wasn't desperately trying to be whatever she thought he wanted her to be. Part of me wished I could tell her that she didn't need to be someone else for anyone to like her. She was lovely, funny, smart and talented. It wasn't hers or Harry's fault that the chemistry wasn't there. It also wasn't her fault that Harry for some weird reason seemed to have chemistry with an awkward and clumsy introvert. 

Liv made me post a photo on Instagram that she took. She didn't post things from rehab. They were only allowed to be on their social media accounts a limited amount of time, and she didn't feel like she could post anything in case it drew negative publicity to her. She was on sick leave from her job with the TV station while she recovered. They were very supportive of her getting clean, so she could continue her career. Luckily, they felt like that. It could very easily have been the opposite- that they wouldn't associate with her, because she now had a history with drugs. 

I had barely posted the photo on Instagram, before Harry messaged me

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I had barely posted the photo on Instagram, before Harry messaged me. My phone was on the couch between Liv and me when the screen lit up. Liv snatched my phone and tried to unlock it to see, who texted me. 

"Did somebody just slide into your DMs? Is there something you're not telling me, little Bug," she laughed and held my phone over her head. I played along to begin with, but I began getting anxious. If she unlocked my phone and opened my texts there was a risk she would see Harry's message to me. It could be the moment she found out about him and me and I wasn't ready to deal with that. 

"No Liv, seriously, give it back!" I said and gave her a more serious look. 

"You really don't want me to know, do you?" She said and narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you embarrassed?" 

I shook my head. "It's nothing, okay? It's..." 

"It's not Aiden, is it?!" She exclaimed and her mouth fell open. 

"God no!" I said and rolled my eyes at her. "It's nothing."

She bit the inside of her cheek and leaned forward, handing me back my phone. "Elowen Trelawney, I know who it is," she said. My heart skipped a beat and I swallowed hard. Liv arched an eyebrow at me and sent me a huge grin. "It's Niall, and I know it. Do you know how I know?" 

I shook my head. Mostly as an answer to her first guess, but I actually would like to know how she figured she had hit the nail on the head. 

"Because you've been here a couple of times, and each time you glow more than the last. So a couple of things are going on; you're very obviously having sex. A satisfied woman glows. But there's also a softness to you, a female energy that's been set free. Pheromones and serotonin seem to be at play - and that's often the case when a person falls in love." Liv crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her tongue out at me. 

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