53 - Ups and downs

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We cooked, we ate and we cleared everything away. Harry was impressed how quickly I found everything around his house, only bearing witness that he himself didn't know where half of his things were. I loaded the dishwasher and started it, while he wiped the counter tops. We admired the results of our teamwork, and shut off the lights in the kitchen.

Harry wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me gently. "So... That was a tour of the house and dinner. If I remember correctly, the next point on the agenda was a shower..." He smirked cheekily and placed his hands on my butt.

"Sounds like a plan. Do you want to go first?" I said teasingly, doing my best to keep a straight face, but failing terribly.

"Do I want to go first..." He huffed and rolled his eyes at me. "Come along, tiny thing," he said and lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed and shrieked nervously, begging him not to drop me. "I'm not going to drop you, if you just stay still," he chuckled and slapped my butt with a flat hand. He carried me up the stairs and into his bedroom, where he dumped me on the bed. "Tub or shower?" He asked as he leaned over me, holding me down on the bed.

"Shower," I said and felt the excitement building in my stomach, the anticipation of what was going to happen once we got into that shower was igniting a flame in my core.

"With or without clothes?" He said and arched an eyebrow at me, as he started undressing. I looked at him with confusion, but quickly realised that he was subtly threatening to take me into the shower in my clothes, if I didn't get undressed.

"Without!" I yelped and started undressing in a hurry. It didn't take long before I was left in my t-shirt and panties, feeling a little too shy to just rip it all off and stand in front of him naked. He gave me a once over as he let his boxers drop to the floor. I crinkled my nose nervously and pulled my t-shirt over my head, leaving it on the bed. He bit his bottom lip and shamelessly scanned my body, returning his attention to my face.

"You are a work of art, El," he said as he stepped closer to me. He came so close that the heat radiated off his body, the warmth making me shudder. He let his hands rest on my hips and laced his fingers under the hem of my panties. He looked straight into my eyes and very carefully, pulled them down, leaving me completely exposed. I inhaled deeply and felt the familiar fluttering in my stomach. "Come on," he said and nodded towards the ensuite bathroom, leading me by taking my hand.

The bathroom was huge, done in black marble with gold fixtures, exuding luxury. A freestanding bathtub sat in the center of the room, big enough to fit at least two people, if not three. I caught myself wondering if he had ever been with more than one woman at a time, but brushed it off at the subtle sting of jealousy. Twin sinks with elegant gold faucets stood atop a spacious vanity, while a large mirror took up most of the wall. An entire side of the room was a walk-in shower with floor-to-ceiling glass panels, offering an unobstructed view of the luxurious interior. Within the shower, dual shower heads cascaded streams of warm water. The shower was covered in black marble tiles, contrasting beautifully with the shimmering gold fixtures. There was a built-in bench, which I couldn't quite make sense of. I looked puzzled and Harry explained that it was just a spot to sit and relax.

"What could you possibly be doing in the shower that would mean you'd need to..." I stopped myself before I finished the sentence. I mouthed a "oh!" when the penny dropped. Harry chuckled and backed into the shower, making me follow him. He stopped under the shower heads that cascaded water down over us like a waterfall. His hair immediately got soaked and his skin glistened under the lights in the ceiling. He gently tugged my arm and made me join him under the water. The stream of water ran down over my head first, soaking my hair. It trickled down my body, wetting my skin and making me shudder.

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