35 - If these walls could talk

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Harry's POV

I helped El pack all of Liv's things from her room. I brought it downstairs and over to Liv's room in the house next door, where Niall and I were staying. Then I went down to the bonfire and found Niall, who was trying to smooth things over, but to me it sounded like Liv was just going around in circles. I gestured for him to come have a word when he could. He immediately excused himself and joined me on the wooden dock. 

"Is Elowen okay?" He said with a concerned tone of voice. "That was fucking brutal. Sylvan is furious with Liv, he tore her a new one when you guys left." 

"She's sad, but luckily angry as well. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that. Anyway, we packed Liv's things and put them in her room." I explained. 

"What about us then?" Niall said and looked confused. 

"We'll be staying in El's room with her." Niall gave me a quizzical look, raising his eyebrows. 

"The three of us in one room?" He asked. 

I rolled my eyes at him. "Nothing's going to happen, Niall. She's sad, she just wants us there." 

"Let me guess, you would like me to be the one, who tells Liv?" Niall said and covered his eyes. 

"Tell Liv what?" Liv suddenly stood next to us, none of us had heard her approach us. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she looked pissed off. Niall cleared his throat and started explaining that her things were in her room now. "I can't believe she did this," Liv said and shook her head. "That she did this to me." 

I was trying to contain how angry she made me. The fact that she constantly thought everything was about her. "Elowen didn't do anything to you, Liv." I said and looked sternly at her. 

"So she didn't start something with you while we were together?" Liv said in disbelief. 

I shook my head. "No, she didn't. Because we were never together. You should really know that by now, I told you so many times." 

"Then why did you sleep with me?" She looked at me with narrowed eyes. 

I blew out a deep breath and looked at her with a head shake. "We're not talking about that tonight when you're this upset. We can talk about it peacefully and quietly tomorrow." 

"Because you're embarrassed over how horribly bad you were?" She had that venomously evil look in her eyes again. 

"Coming for my skills between the sheets is a low blow even for you, Liv. I was piss-drunk, I don't even remember it, but I couldn't even finish, could I?" I shook my head at her. Niall followed our interaction like a ping-pong match, looking from one to the other. Whether he was keeping score was unclear to me, but he looked fairly shocked at Liv's blunt comments. 

"Is it because she doesn't know how bad you are? It's not like she has a lot of experience, but maybe she does and I just don't know about that either. Perhaps I should check up with my past partners and hear if she came around to scoop up my leftovers." Liv smiled, seemingly enjoying ridiculing El. 

Niall grimaced at her comment and looked like his shoulders got heavy with disappointment. Aiden came over and put his hand on Liv's shoulder. "Don't you think you should lie down for the night?" He asked Liv, who looked at him with a defiant expression.

"She's in her own room," Niall said to Aiden and gestured towards their own house. 

"Sweet," Aiden said and followed Liv to their childhood home. She turned and looked back at me a couple of times, obviously still full of questions and insults, I figured. 

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