47 - We know what you do

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We drove up to my parents' house just before 7 PM. Dad was sitting on the front porch and he got up and waved as soon as we drove into their driveway. He turned around and called for mom, who came out quickly, wiping her hands on her apron. My eyes stung even before I left the car, and as soon as I stepped out and dad opened his arms to me, I started sobbing. Mom looked horrified at my reaction and stroked my hair, while she looked at Harry for an explanation. 

"Should we go inside?" He suggested. The poor guy was probably scared that they thought he had done something to make me sad. 

Mom led the way inside, while dad kept his arm around me, speaking comfortingly and soothingly. He made me sit down on the couch and mom hurried to sit down by my other side, so they were flanking me. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and sniffled. Harry got up and went to get me some tissues. 

"Thanks baby," I said and dried my eyes and blew my nose. Mom and dad shared a glance, and both seemed to calm down a bit. Harry was apparently not the source of my current anguish. 

"What's going on, luv'?" Dad finally asked as he stroked my back. 

I swallowed hard and looked at him with big eyes. "I have to tell you something, and it's not going to be easy. Not to hear, nor to say," I started. "It's a very serious situation." 

"Holy cow, you're pregnant!" Mom exclaimed and clasped her hand over her mouth. Harry had to take a deep breath and looked a little spooked. 

"No... No, I'm not, mom. It's about Aiden," I looked at Harry, who nodded, encouraging me to go on. "Aiden's done something. Something bad." 

"Do we need to get Nellie?" Mom said and was already up on her feet ready to go fetch her. 



Dad and I both gave her a serious look and she hurriedly sat back down on the couch, holding her hands up in feigned self defence. 

"Go ahead, sweetheart," Dad said and squeezed my hand. 

I blew out a deep breath and looked at Harry for strength. He nodded for me to go on. 

"Aiden sent me a letter after we got back from here. It was a long apology he had written  to apologise for trying to... force himself on me." I cleared my throat and tried to shut out the gasps my parents let out. Mom went pale and held her hand over her mouth. Dad looked more furious with furrowed brows. "Anyway, Aiden told me that he had been pining over me for a lot of years, and that he was heartbroken that I had met someone."

"What an arse..." Dad growled low under his breath. Harry nodded in agreement, and all that lacked was them fistbumping or bro-hugging. 

"Aiden's letter was not just an apology for getting rough with me. It was a threat as well. He... filmed me and Harry in a... delicate situation," I cleared my throat again and couldn't find the courage to look at either of my parents. Harry looked down at his feet, obviously feeling a little awkward about the situation. "The video is very private. Aiden wants me to meet up with him and talk, or he'll post the video to you and to Liv, so you'll all know what kind of girl I really am..." My voice broke and I bit my lip while steadying myself. 

"He what?!" Mom exclaimed and looked like she could have squeezed him into a tiny ball and thrown him away. Dad looked like he was in total shock. 

Harry cleared his throat and looked at me, asking to say something. I nodded for him to say what he needed to say. 

"We met with a detective this morning. He's going to Washington to fetch all the footage from Aiden. It's a felony filming people without their consent and if he posts it anywhere, it will be labelled as revenge porn, which is illegal, and Aiden can face criminal charges and civil lawsuits for his actions. The detective suggested El get a restraining order against Aiden." Harry looked carefully from mom to dad, obviously feeling a little awkward talking to my parents about revenge porn. 

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