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"A citizen." I screamed out loud. My scream was followed by Yoon Seo who also said that she is also a citizen and it was followed by Jung Won who replied with a me too.

I turned my focus to the Mafia Game which displayed its rules.

1. The participants are assigned with the titles -- Mafia,Citizens, Police Officer and a Doctor. A Doctor can prevent a participant of choice from getting executed and a Police Officer can see the identity of any participant.

2. The participants have time from 8 am to midnight to vote out a participant whose a Mafia.

3. At midnight, the player with the most votes will get executed and their identity will be revealed.

4. The participants will fall asleep and the Mafia has till 6 am to execute a participant personally.

5. This game is between the teams of Mafia and Citizen. The Doctor and the Police are in the team of the Citizens.

Wait, I think I have played this game before. I smiled to myself considering this game to be interesting.


"Y/N, Focus on your target."
"Yes, I will."

a gunshot. another gunshot.



But something seems shocking. "How is this game working without Wi-Fi signals?" I mumbled.
"Yeah, how is it?" Jung Won repeated my question.

Yoon Seo's statement heightened my surprise and shocked mind as she exclaimed, "How are we signed up in this game, and how does it know our full names?"

Now this was a bit puzzling huh. How can someone create a game who knows our names and everything? This question irked inside me.

Then my eyes went on the text in which Eun Ha mentioned that Heo Yul is definitely the Mafia.

I thought it was just some joke played by someone so I sighed and voted for Heo Yul.

Then Yoon Seo and Jung Won went to see if our teacher is back. I told them I wanted to go to the toilet.

Was that a lie. Hell Yeah. It was Yoon Seo's birthday and a surprise was planned. But I didn't like the location. The pool. Seriously. This location was selected by Kim So Mi and I was worried about it.

But still I made my way to the pool and I wasn't paying attention as I was looking around seeing the infrastructure of the building. But I bumped into someone.

"Watch where you are going, Y/N." I looked up to see Ko Kyung Jun who was giving me a cold gaze. "Oh, I am sorry." I replied and left from there.

I continued my way towards the pool and met the others. No one was making contact with me just because So Mi hates me and I hate her too. But also I am that violence person (not unnecessarily) but yes Kim So Mi has faced my wrath a few times and some of her scars still remain which I gave her. But do I care? Nope.

I leaned on a wall and crossed my arms as we waited for Yoon Seo to arrive. Soon Yoon Seo arrives but she doesn't notice us. Well the lights are not turned on and it's dark so yeah.

"Boo!! Surprise!!" Kim So Mi and her friends come out. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Yoon Seo, happy birthday to you." We all sang.

Yoon Seo mumbled a little thank you but it was audible enough. Of course Kim So Mi doesn't like Yoon Seo and this is something really unexpected that she is surprising her for her birthday.

So Mi says, "That's what friends are for." What the hell. I think So Mi is plotting something.

"Kim So Mi, you have never talked to Yoon Seo and here you are celebrating her birthday." I hissed.

So Mi who ignored me mentions that it's time to give Yoon Seo birthday noogies.

Two boys from our class pick Yoon Seo up and throw her in the pool and that bitch Kim So Mi was laughing. Finally I snapped. I charged towards her and pinned her to the ground. I began to punch her but you know what I was using just my 10% or 20% energy on her. Whenever I fought with her my energy level has been the same.

Jung Won tried to get me under control. "Y/N, stop!! Do you really want to get suspended like last time?"

Wait. SUSPENDED. When? How? I was never suspended. But okay, since Jung Won told me to stop. So I will.
Well, I don't know how to swim. But luckily Kim Jun Hee jumps into the pool and saves her.

He finally gets her out. He and some other boys carry her to the infirmary with me and Jung Won following behind.


Later I found myself with my classmates in the hall where So Mi was continuously apologizing to Yoon Seo. I knew that bitch was faking it.
But suddenly there is an announcement.

1 minute left to vote.

I even got a notification for that. It was surprising that everyone was saying that Heo Yul has created the name and they have voted for him.
We hear another siren.

Voting time is over.
Heo Yul with 24 votes will be executed.

I was about to go to my room. But suddenly I heard Heo Yul screaming and groaning loudly as if there was some striking pain inside him.

His friends were continuously thinking that he was pretending but when he looked up it made everyone gasp. Wait a minute, his eye-

"His eyes." I heard someone mumble and saw Kyung Jun standing next to me. Wait. Does this mean that being executed in this game means death?

Before I could say something, he started to bang his head on the ground creating a small puddle of blood. Everyone got scared except me.
Blood is normal to me and I still feel that I have seen this game or played this game somewhere.

Then he runs towards the window and jumps from there. DEAD. This causes a chaos everywhere. Suddenly I feel someone holding my sweater. I looked to see and it was Kyung Jun who also looked scared.

Suddenly some music plays and another announcement is heard.

Night has come.

Everything blacks out.

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