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Ko Kyung Jun's pov –:

My heart races whenever Y/N's name comes up. I have been loving since school days because she always showed the bullies their place. She knows how to deal them. Even though I belong in the same category.

For this girl, I can leave many things behind. I am ready to risk it all and in this deadly game she defended me in every situation.

She has a lot of secrets, I bet it. Something dark is inside her. Those eerie eyes filled with a certain darkness sometimes scares me whenever she makes those mockery insults. I remember when she was taking about that to the real fun of killing is torturing the victim to death.

It's like she really knows how to do all these things.

Her strength is undeniable. What is this girl? She is just like an attractive abstract painting which is a bit hard to understand.

She knows how to tame me and I listen to her because I have the urge to. I feel like that she has hypnotized me or something. She has some magic which I don't understand.

By dominating, I don't mean in a cruel  or overbearing manner, but with a subtle power which left me both awed and humbled.

I also felt jealous when Y/N allowed Jin Ha to hug him. I am torn between wanting her all by myself and that she has a life beyond our connection.

In this deadly game, I feel that will she be able to listen to my feelings?

Every eye contact. Every conversation. The way she hugged me. The way she dominates me. Her possible secrets...

All of these got me thinking in the room as I was waiting for my phone so that I can vote.

Da Bum comes in the room handing me my phone but instead of the scared face of his. He is smirking.

"Hey, Kyung Jun.. You're about to die."

He had an axe in his hands but before I could do anything he locked the door from outside.

"You motherfucker." I yelled.

For some reason, I was feeling really hot so I removed my t shirt and I was shirtless.

Suddenly Da Bum entered again this time with a knife.

"I will kill you fucking bastard." I was breathless.

"Try me." Da Bum replied.

He was about to attack me suddenly I heard a gunshot.

The door opened revealing her...


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