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"He came covered in blood but wasn't it 8 am at that time? But according to the rules, the Mafia has time to kill someone till 6 am. So he also had 2 hours with him to get changed, hide the evidence and what not. But no, we found only his shirt in blood and he was right beside Seung Bin. So I don't think that Jin Ha has killed him?"

Nobody answers because yes the question is answered that Jin Ha is a Citizen.

Kyung Jun barged off after Jun Hee gave him his phone and announced that we all will meet again at 11 pm.

I helped Jin Ha to get out with the others but I saw Jun Hee and So Mi stayed inside.

Suddenly Jin Ha let go of my hand and yelled to everyone that he is not the Mafia and he will find out.

I was on my way  to my room and I sat there on a bean bag.

But I noticed that I haven't finished my book yet so I decided to finish it.

As I was reading the last page I heard an announcement.

Cha Ye Jun has died. Cha Ye Jun was a Doctor.

I knew he was a Doctor but why and how did he died?


I was standing beside Yoon Seo and everyone was staring at Yu Jun's dead body.

"He has been attacked by a brick. Hit atleast 7 to 8 times. Must have cornered him so that he doesn't get up." I mention.

"Y/N, how did you know?" Yeon Woo asks.

"It's understandable by just looking at this corpse." I replied.

"You are telling me as if you've killed him yourself. You bitch, you are the Mafia." Da Bum yelled.

"A moment of silence, please, for this poor soul's intelligence." I clap so loud that now everyone is looking at me. I laugh as well.

"What?" I smirk.

"Me, Jung Won and Y/N will see that if we find any clue. You all can go if you want." Yoon Seo said.

Everyone leaves and now me, Yoon Seo and Jung Won are looking for clues.

We were looking around and suddenly Jung Won called us. "Guys, I found something."

We went to see that she had brick and it was covered in blood. "That's it." Yoon Seo said.


We were walking down the hall to see what the others were doing.

We saw that everyone was gathered and were staring at a wall which said, "Jun Hee and Da Bum are Mafias."

"I- I am not the Mafia."Da Bum stuttered.

I scoffed as Da Bum stuttered out his denial. "Oh, please," I sneered, rolling my eyes.

"Like anyone would believe you. Pathetic attempt at innocence, but your stutter gives you away. You're as guilty as they come." I smirked.

"Ya, Y/N it's not possible Da Bum can never be a Mafia. Don't accuse him like that." Jung Won replied.

"Whatever." I scoffed.

Why the hell is she defending him?

"Why would the Police directly write the identity of a person?" Mi Na asks.

"It's strange that it happened right after Yu Jun died. This means that this person must have killed him." Yoon Seo said.

"You guys, you came late it means that you must have wrote this." So Mi barks.

Is she crazy?

"She wouldn't explain like this if she killed him." Jung Won defended Yoon Seo.

Kyung Jun walked towards the wall, snatched the paper and tore it apart.

"Police, quit this crap and show yourself." Kyung Jun yells.

"I don't think the police has a death wish to show themselves like that. They will become the next victim of the Mafia." I was annoyed. Why is he not using his brain?

He stared at me coldly and I made the eye contact. What's his deal? He was just fine before we talked to Jin Ha.

"I think I know who killed Ye Jun." Yoon Seo said making me and Kyung Jun's eye contact break.


Now we are in the playground. You could still see some blood marks there.

"Weren't you going to tell us that who the killer is? Why did you brought us here?" So Mi asks confused.

"We found a footprint when the three of us were searching the area." Yoon Seo takes out her phone and shows everyone the  picture of the bloody footprint.

She also takes out an accessory used at the back of shoes.

Jun Hee analyses it and says," This is an accessory used in basketball shoes."

We look to see that  Jin Ha and Kyung  Jun are the only ones who are wearing basketball shoes.

Yoon Seo went towards Jin Ha. "Is this yours?" She asks.

"Why would you say like that, you witch?" He yells at her.

I went towards Kyung Jun hoping that he won't turn out to be a Mafia.

"It's not mine." He says.
"Let me see then." I reply.

Luckily it was not his and it made me breathe a sigh of relief.

"Jin Ha's shoes match." Yoon seo adds.


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