Chapter- 7

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I was on the rooftop once again. After getting some air, I went down to see Kyung Jun because I knew he was plotting something against Woo Ram.

I went to some storeroom area and saw the trio. "What are you planning now?" I ask.


Then Woo Ram comes inside saying, "Hey Y/N, did you call me?"

Before I could say something Seung Min hit Woo Ram with a fire extinguisher knocking him out. I didn't see there was one in his hands.

"I think Y/N you should get out. You won't be able stand all this fighting and blood." Kyung Jun said.

"Why do you even want to do this?" I ask.

"Haven't you seen your phone?"

I look to see that Kyung Jun was tied with Woo Ram in terms of voting. I was shocked and looked at him.

"Two more left." He says.

"But I am not going to let you get more blood. If anyone sees, they will think you're the Mafia and you..."

He places his finger on my lips and this gives me a tingling sensation inside.

"I know what I am doing."

He pins me against the door but this time we were inches away from each other. His face was so close. I wasn't looking in his eyes. But I was looking at his lips.

"I think we should tie her up because I can't afford to get another bone break because of her." Jin Ha barks.

Seung Min gets a chair and ropes. Kyung Jun leads me to the chair and ties me.

the same look in his eyes. the look of an admirer. Or when a boy looks at a girl in a romance novel.

"I am sorry." He whispers and kisses my hand.

That was unexpected, I'd say. But I obey him. Because I feel the urge to not disobey him. It's this guy which I have been looking at with those eyes.

The eyes of love.

I absolutely fell for him. How? Why? When? No clue.

I make another eye contact and as we look at each other, I feel a magnetic pull that I can't resist.

But even as I try to rationalize my feelings, I know the truth: I've fallen for the boy who thrives on fear, who wields his power like a weapon, leaving a trail of brokenness in his wake. And despite the warnings, despite the knowledge of the darkness that consumes him, I can't deny the pull of my heart towards him, even if it means risking everything.

I snap out of my thoughts and see Seung Min punching Woo Ram over and over again until blood begins to come out from his nose.

Don't forget the blood which was already coming from his head when Seung Min hit him with that extinguisher.

Kyung Jun stabbed Woo Ram's thigh with a pen making him scream.

I think I dozed off after this.

Y/N opens her eyes and sees that it's only 30 minutes left to vote.

I saw Kyung Jun going towards the table with a razor cutter. Is he crazy?

I look at Jin Ha and he also looked at me shrugging his shoulders. I look at Seung Min who was looking scared.

"I never liked your eyes in the first place." He hisses.

"Grab him." Jin Ha commands Seung Min.

"Ya, Ko Kyung Jun. are you out of your mind? Using a razor cutter on Woo Ram won't solve anything. Think about the consequences. You don't want to live with that guilt, do you?"
I yell at Kyung Jun hoping that he would stop and he did.

He drops the razor cutter muttering something which I didn't hear.

Woo Ram finally gave up and they took him by the microphone.

"Guys, It's me Woo Ram."

I look at him chained from my chair.

"I am the real Mafia. Yes, I killed Ju Young." He was crying and sobbing.

Then I hear voices of Jun Hee and the others screaming his name. I think they are coming here.

Then some banging was heard and then the knob of the door flew away revealing Jun Hee and my friends.

While Jun Hee was arguing with Kyung Jun, Yoon Seo and Jung Won untied me. "Are you okay, Y/N?"

I nod.

"Can you walk?" Yoon Seo asks.


Suddenly we hear our phones chime.

Cha Ye Jun and Park Ji Soo voted for Park Woo Ram.

Oh man. Woo Ram's gone now.

But to my surprise Woo Ram takes the Pickaxe from Jun Hee and was about to hit him but Kyung Jun dodges.

He was going towards Kyung Jun and I came in between.

"I won't let you kill him."

Woo Ram steps forward with the Pickaxe.

I snatch the Pick axe from him and throw it away. He was about to punch me but I dodged him.

I took the opportunity and punched him hard across the face. Blood came out from his mouth.

I hear an announcement.

Voting time is over.

I ignore it.

I finally knock him out by using the Powerful Roundhouse Kick which was taught by Mr. Kim in combat lessons.

I sighed and was a bit out of breath.

"Is he dead?" Jin Ha went towards him curious.

Suddenly we hear an announcement.

Park Woo Ram with the most votes was executed by L/N Y/N. Park Woo Ram was a Mafia.

Why did they say my name?

Everyone turned their heads towards me.

Night has come.

Everything blacks out.


soft music playing~

Everyone gets up. Another announcement is heard.

Last night, the Police used their skill. Park Ji Soo was executed by a Mafia.
Park Ji Soo was a Citizen.

All the participants start to vote for the Mafia.

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