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Ko Kyung Jun's pov –:

"How dare you touch something which is precious to me?" Y/N who looked like she was about to kill Da Bum.

"Aww, look at you, stop wasting your energy on this guy. He is not good for you." He laughed.

"Come at me." She said. From far I could still see that darkness in Y/N's eyes.

Da Bum swung a wild punch, but Y/N dodged it with ease, moving like a dancer avoiding raindrops. She stepped in close, her foot swinging in a graceful arc, landing a roundhouse kick square on Da Bum's chest. He staggered back, breathless.

Da Bum recovered quickly and lunged forward with another punch, but Y/N ducked under it, her movements fluid and effortless. She countered with a series of quick jabs, keeping Da Bum on the defensive. With a swift spin, she delivered another roundhouse kick, catching him off guard and sending him stumbling backwards.

As Da Bum regained his balance, Y/N seized the opportunity to take control of the fight. With a swift movement, she grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, pinning him to the ground. Da Bum struggled against her grip, but Y/N held him firmly, her expression calm yet resolute.

"Oh, so it's you. That young girl who killed my mom." Da Bum forced a faint smile.

What is he talking about? Y/N killing someone? No No.

"What do you mean?" She  still looked calm and composed.

"Choi.Yeon.Bin." He punctuated every word with a breath.

"Oh, so you are the son of that bitch. Ah, I'd lost so much because of her. I still crave hitting her one more time. Her face when she begs for help. Telling me to stop. Her cried for help would have made my day but I used a simple gun that day. But now, you will see what I really wanted to do." She smirked and let out a chuckle.

What is she going to do? She really killed someone huh. But still this guy is a Mafia and if she is doing a favor of killing him then it's alright.

My eyes widened as Y/N continued to rain down punches on Da Bum, her fists moving with relentless fury. Each blow landed with a sickening thud, and soon, Da Bum's face was a mess of blood and bruises. Y/N's expression was cold and determined as she unleashed her barrage, her fists becoming coated with crimson stains.

Da Bum tried to speak, but the punches had taken their toll, leaving him gasping for air and unable to form coherent words. For some reason, I felt a knot form in my stomach as I  watched the one-sided beatdown unfold before me. But this was intense. So intense that I can't believe that it's seriously Y/N and here I thought that she doesn't stand blood and stuff. Did she made her image like that?

I  wanted to intervene, to stop the violence, but something in Y/N's eyes told me to stay back. Because Da Bum is not worth it though. But if she leaves him like this, he will end up telling others that she did all this to him and she might end up getting voted out. And I don't want this.

Y/N's assault seemed endless, her rage fueling each strike as she refused to let up on Da Bum. It was a brutal display of power and dominance, and I  couldn't tear my gaze away, feeling both horrified and mesmerized.

I looked at the time, it was 11:40 pm. I quickly vote for Jin Ha but to my surprise Jin Ha has got the most votes.

Putting my phone in my pocket, I lay my gaze on Y/N who is now pulling out a pen knife from her pocket.

She  pressed the pen knife  against Da Bum's neck. Her expression was chillingly calm as she held the knife to Da Bum's throat, her eyes betraying no hint of emotion.

Then, to my disbelief, Y/N began to use the knife on Da Bum as if she were slicing through a cake, her movements disturbingly casual and precise. Each cut sent shivers down my spine, and I could hardly believe what I was witnessing.

When Da Bum finally lay still, his lifeless eyes staring blankly ahead, Y/N spoke her final words to him with an eerie calmness and a smile on her face. "Have a great time with your mom in hell," she said, her voice devoid of any remorse or regret.

This was the real Y/N, the one I thought I knew but now realized I didn't truly understand. I knew that she had secrets. I have seen her showing the bullies their place but she has never gone insane like that as I see Da Bum on the ground lying dead.

She finally stood up and looked at me. "Y/N, why the fuck  you did this?"

"He was about to kill you, and also I know that I'll be going to hell so adding up another sin won't change anything." She replied.

"You okay?" She comes closer to me and looking at my half naked body. I felt my heart racing. It's because I love her so much. She must have had a reason to kill that Choi Yeon Bin. It's not like she enjoys it or anything.

I nod my head. "Wear a shirt and let's hide quickly because we don't have time."

She looked around and saw a bracelet lying. I know that it belongs to her and she wore it on her wrist.

She opened the door and picked the bag and we went to the restroom.

She takes out some clothes, a spare uniform of her school, I wonder why she must have packed this in her bag.
Did she know anything about this deadly game?

I had a lot of questions pouring in my mind. But I could wait till the next day because she doesn't look in that state of mind to answer anything right now.

She came out in the clean uniform and had her bloody uniform in her hands. She also changed her shoes.
She washed her hands to remove the blood. She washed her face as well.

She wiped her face with a towel.

She wiped her hands with a hand towel.

We got out of the restroom but suddenly we hear an announcement.

Jin Da Bum has died. Jin Da Bum was a Mafia.

We already know where we had to go but pretended that we don't know where he was so we went to Jun Hee and the others.

"Guys, you heard?" Y/N asked now she was at the verge of tears.

What the hell is this girl? She is so good at acting that nobody would ever  believe that this innocent girl just committed murder.

"Kyung Jun, you–" Jun Hee was about to punch me but Y/N stopped his punch from coming at me.

"He hasn't killed him. After receiving his phone, he was with me all the time."

"Okay, Y/N." Jun Hee replied. I know that Jun Hee trusts Y/N a lot.

"For now, let's hide because we only have five minutes with us. We can check the bodies tomorrow morning." Yoon Seo said.

Everyone nods in agreement and went to our rooms. Y/N and I went to a room.

I quickly lied on the bed and groaned.

But Y/N was looking around and sees a chair and quickly places it with the door. Then she sees a box which was heavy so I helped her to pick it and she placed it with the door as well.

Kim Jin Ha with the most votes will be executed.

Kim Jin Ha was a Citizen.

What? He was a Citizen? I felt remorse for all those times when I accused him and in the end this was the result.

Night has come.

Everything blacks out.

Once again..

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