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He still denied in killing him. Even though I was relieved that Kyung Jun didn't kill him. But now Jin Ha is screaming and bawling his eyes out that he is not the Mafia.

Kyung Jun is all in for fighting as well.

I went towards him and tried to stop him. He tried to kick me on my stomach but I dodged him.

"What is this girl?" He muttered.

Jun Hee got mad and ran towards Kyung Jun making them both fall on the ground.

Jun Hee got up and started to kick Kyung Jun as he cursed him.

"Hey Jun Hee, please stop." Me and Eun Chan tried to stop Jun Hee from almost killing Kyung Jun. He still tried to get back at him and Yeon Woo laid sideways so that Kyung Jun doesn't stand up.

After both of them cool down, I let myself lean on the lockers.

I was still a bit stunned about Kyung Jun who was about to kick me on the stomach.

"Ya, what's that?" Kyung Jun said pointing at the red pen that was falling out of Jin Ha's pocket.

Mi Na grabbed the pen and looked at it more closely. "Why did you name them as the Mafia?"

Jin Ha kneeled down and was begging that he is not the Mafia. "We know the answer, just vote him out already." Kyung Jun yelled.

Jin Ha was still crying and begging on his knees that he is not the Mafia. "He's the Mafia. I am damn sure. Let's vote him out and be done with it." Kyung Jun yelled.

"You also killed Yu Jun. We will vote at 10:30 PM and you two will wait in a room." Jun Hee ordered them.


After walking in the hallways, we selected the rooms in which they are going to stay in.

"Don't leave the room." Jun Hee warned Jin Ha and Kyung Jun.

"This is an effing prison cell." Kyung Jun complained but still opened the door to get in which was slammed by Mi Na.

So Mi then stepped in. "Hand over the keys, we will use the Cafeteria."

"They are gone, I lost them." Kyung Jun replied.

"Hand them already and stop lying." She made her way towards his shirt but before he could even react I slapped her hand away. What is this bitch.

"When he said he doesn't have them, why don't you believe him?" I shot her a death glare.

Everyone was shocked. "Okay then we are taking your phones Kyung Jun and  Jin Ha." Jin Ha replied.


It was 10:30 pm and all of us except Kyung Jun and Jin Ha are present in the Assembly hall.

"Now we really have to vote, what do we do?" So Mi asked.

"Anyways, Kyung Jun seems to be a Citizen, No idea about Jin Ha." Eun Chan said.

"We are choosing between two Citizens right now." I said looking at everyone.

Confidence was a part of me since I was born.

"What are you blabbering about?" Mi Na asked cringed.

"I'm not blabbering but I think your brain lacks logical thinking. Jin Ha was a Citizen who killed Yu Jun with the help of Kyung Jun who was a Citizen as well because they were scared. Maybe Ye Jun had something to tell us which would make them end up in the radar of suspect. But I don't think they killed Seung Min. Because it was so brutal. It must have been done by someone who really hates him to death." I explained.

"That is the reason it said has died for Ye Jun." Yoon Seo looks at me and asks.

So Mi groaned in annoyance. "Stop complicating it. Both of them have killed Ye Jun."

The final discussion was a bit sad.

"What about them?" Eun Chan asked pointing at Jin Ha and Kyung Jun's phones. As it's only 11pm.

"We should also tell them the results as well." Yeon Woo mentioned.

"I will go give them." Jun Hee took the initiative.

"I will also go with you." Da Bum said.

Now we were going in the hallway.

Ko Kyung Jun was executed by a Mafia. Ko Kyung Jun was a Citizen.

What does this mean? This means Da Bum is the Mafia. I knew it.


I am not going to let anyone take something which is precious to me.


Y'all are in for a treat in the coming chapters <3!! Stay tuned~

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