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I don't know what came into me and I hugged him tight.
It's going to be okay," I murmur softly, gently patting his back to console him.

He doesn't push me away from him or does anything but instead he hugs me back and whispers, "Can we stay like this for a moment?"
"Yes." I replied.

In the assembly hall, we all gathered to talk while waiting for Jun Hee who called us all to assemble.

"I've gathered you all not to decide who to vote for but to give up on voting." Jun Hee declared.

For breaking the rules, Jang Hyun Ho will be executed.
Everyone vote who is the Mafia.

"We cannot." I replied.
everybody staring..

"Why?" Jun Hee asks.

"Because if we don't, we will die." It was in my mind. I saw it all. Everyone running to save themselves.

"Y/N, you are seriously out of your mind." Ji Soo says.

"No, I think so."

"Okay, so Y/N you don't put your phone then. So who are you going to vote for?" Jun Hee asks.

Another voice in my mind....

Baek Eun Ha got the most votes. Baek Eun Ha will be executed. Baek Eun Ha was a Citizen.

I shrug away my thoughts and vote for Kim So Mi because my gut says
that she is actually a Mafia.

L/N Y/N voted for Kim So Mi.

For no reason, Kim So Mi charges towards me and tried to slap me but I dodged and pressed her hand tightly making her scream her lungs out.
"Y/N, you crazy bitch."

I let go of her hand and heard Jin Ha talking to Kyung Jun, "She has some undeniable strength. Who is she?"

I ignore his words and as I was about to leave, another announcement is heard.

One minute left to vote.

But instead of voting Kyung Jun places a trash can indicating everyone to put their phones in it. Everyone does.

Voting is over.

Everyone was celebrating that they won't die. But.....

Participants must vote and identify the Mafia.

But suddenly someone falls on the floor making everyone scream in shock. Okay that was an unexpected death here.

For breaking the rules, Lee Soo Bin and Park Ji Hun will be executed.

Knew it.

Lee Soo Bin and Park Ji Hun were Citizens. Participants must identify the Mafia and begin to vote.

I see Kyung Jun's phone in a corner and quickly give it to him. He was already in a rush in finding his phone.

He quickly votes for Kim So Mi.

For breaking the rules, Oh Jin Seok will be executed. Oh Jin Seok was a Citizen.

The lights went off and an alarm goes off. Some red lights also go on.



"What do red lights symbolize?"

"Y/N, Red lights, akin to the Mafia's code of silence, represent the ominous warning signals of forbidden love, where desire intersects with danger, igniting passions that could lead to perilous consequences, leaving hearts shattered in the wake of clandestine affairs."

"I never knew this had such a meaning."


Oh Hye Seoung will be executed. Oh Hye Seoung was a Citizen.
Kang Ye Won will be executed. Kang Ye Won was a Mafia.

more chaos...

Lee Hyun Jun and Park Je Eun will be executed. Lee Hyun Jun and Park Je Eun were Citizens.

more chaos....

For breaking the rules, Kim Jeon Ju will be executed. Kim Jeon Ju was a Citizen.

Then I heard that most of the people were voting for Baek Eun Ha. No she is a Citizen. But I didn't stop them because I can't be meddling in their opinions all the times.

For breaking the rules, Jang Hyun Ho will be executed. Jang Hyun Ho was a Citizen.

I was right...But I feel bad for Na Hee. I never felt that she was somewhat involved with Kim So Mi.

Finally, there was a siren which was much longer.

For getting the most votes, Baek Eun Ha will be executed. Baek Eun Ha was a Citizen.

Eun Ha who was on the ground started crying and got up. She went around telling everyone that she was a Citizen.

Finally she gets executed.

Night has come....

Everything blacks out.


Heyloooo....It's my first fanfiction which I am currently writing and I hope you enjoy it so far. It's my first Author's Note as well. I want you all to put your lovely comments and opinions about my fanfiction.
I would enjoy reading them.
Actually this was a bit small chapter tbh because I got a bit lazy but I promise you all that I will make more longer chapters.

With love,

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