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This chapter is about Y/N and Park Se Eun's story. In other words, it's a flashback chapter. This chapter is from the author's pov.

"Se Eun, you are here." Y/N went towards her best friend and hugged her tight.

"Oh my god, Y/N I can't breathe. Let go." Se Eun tries to let go of Y/N.

"So, you prepared for the exam?" Se Eun asks.

"Nope, I watched K-dramas all night."

Se Eun laughed knowing that she was lying as usual and knows that she will top the grade once again.

"Let's go to class." Y/N takes her hand and takes her to their classroom.

A best friend no a sister.
Y/N loved her to bits.
Park Se Eun was the only person for whom Y/N would risk everything.

Park Woo Ram created some video of Se Eun doing a sexy dance. Which was not real. It was edited and this resulted in the worst thing that ever happened to Y/N.

"Hey, sexy."
"Can we see those curves?"
All those comments on Se Eun were nothing but trauma to her.

Y/N found out and now her latest mission was to take down that video.

"What the fuck are you guys on?" Everyone looked behind and saw Y/N who was ready to kill someone.

She slammed the doors and locked them and took the keys with her.

She made her way to the podium and had that usual face of hers.

"Who made this video?"

"I said who the fuck made this video?"
Y/N yelled.

Everyone were now staring at Park Woo Ram.

"Ya, Park Woo Ram. It was you?"


Y/N charged towards him and held him by his collar.

She had scissors in one hand. Her eyes were filled with resentment and anger.

"Shall I take out your eyes? You fucking bastard."

"Ya, Y/N you crazy bitch." Kim So Mi yelled and pushed her.

She left Woo Ram and lunged on So Mi pinning her to the ground.

She held the scissors and carefully scratched her not-so-pretty face.

"That's what you get for trying to destroy something precious to me."

"Y/N. Stop it." Kyung Jun pulled her away from So Mi.

"Delete the video. Otherwise you will pay."

"Today it's her and tomorrow it can any of you. Mark my words." She unlocked the door and walked out throwing away the scissors which were in blood.


Y/N was suspended for doing such a violent act. But her mission was successful because Se Eun's video was taken down.

She rushed to Se Eun's place.

"Se Eun, the video is gone. Let's go and have some fu--"

She was cut off by seeing her parents all in black with Se Eun's body in a coffin.


"Se Eun has committed suicide." Her parents spoke sadly.

She cried.
She cried.
Cried until her eyes were numb.
Cried like never before.
The first time a ruthless mafia member showed those emotions.
She couldn't believe it.
She had done everything.

But it was all in vain..

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