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Soft music playing~

I opened my eyes and shut them a few times to only realise that Kyung Jun was on top of me. My cheeks turned red in embarrassment and I don't know my stomach was filled with fluttering sensations.

Kyung Jun also opened his eyes of course just to see that he is on top of me quickly got up and went somewhere. But I could feel that he was red with embarrassment.

I noticed the others waking up but hey, weren't we sleeping on the floor?
I saw Yoon Seo getting up and going to the window. I also got up and went with her. The sight we witnessed through that window brought tears to Yoon Seo's eyes.

Well we saw Heo Yul on the ground lying dead with a puddle of blood.
Well this thing was certainly normal to me and still I felt this was not scary at all.

Suddenly another announcement is heard...

Before the last vote was closed, the police used their skill. Choi Ju Won was executed. Choi Ju Won was a Mafia. All the participants, identify the Mafia and begin to vote.

"The broadcast.. who is in charge of the broadcast?"Woo Ram screamed.
"How is it even on?" He yelled pointing at the speakers.

Some of the boys went to the broadcast room and the rest of us went to the men's toilet after hearing Da Bum's scream.

I immediately stood up and went with the others to the men's toilet only to see a puddle of blood which must have made everyone scared that what is behind the door?

No one dared to open it so I went towards the door and swung it open only to see the dead body of Ju Won covered in blood.


"Y/N, promise me to get revenge for me. Take revenge from Mr. Christie
and treat him in the same brutal manner he bathed Mr. Moon Tae in blood. Torture him relentlessly."

"Yes, he will die a merciless death. Just wait and watch."


Kyung Jun from behind grabbed my shoulder and hid me behind him so that I don't get to witness such disgusting things (not for me). Well nobody knows that I have worked for a Mafia gang and I am not disgusted by you know gore, dead bodies, dangerous weapons, deadly situations etc.

I have made this image of a cheerful girl who can go insane when she's angry. But I pretend to be disgusted by all these things so that nobody knows.

"It's the Mafia Game. What if we all die too?" Da Bum at the verge of crying said. Well he was correct we are obviously going to die and there was no doubt about it.

"Will you shut up your mouth, you scumbag?" Kyung Jun hissed. He looked super mad at Da Bum.

Man, are these kids stupid? Can't they accept their reality? I sighed as I left the site wanting to get some fresh air.

I was looking around the building and arrived at the rooftop.

I sat there and felt the cold breeze reaching my hair. I felt a bit like those Indian film actresses when they see their lover or the one they like the most. But where is the one? But is it important to get it? If I talk about the boys who are just my type and I am interested in them, the only person who appears in my mind is.....


"Ya, Y/N what are you doing here?" I looked back to see Kyung Jun.
"Nothing, I wanted to get some air." He sat with me looking a bit tensed.
"Do you think we all will die?" He said quietly. "We have to accept the reality. I think someone is trying to teach us a lesson that how painful is death." I expressed my thoughts to him.

"What makes you think like that?" He looked at me questioning my thoughts. "I just feel it and nothing else."

Then we heard another announcement.

The game must take place within the boundaries.

"What the hell?" Kyung Jun mumbled.
"This means that there is a pattern boundary made and if we cross it, we will die."
"How do you know?" Kyung Jun asked.
"Know what?"
"That we will die as we cross the boundaries."

Now, this has really got me thinking deeply. After all, how do I know all this? Again, a sense of foreboding filled my mind with all those thoughts about this game and how am I able to know all this?

For breaking the rules, Lee Sang Hwan will be executed....For breaking the rules, Kim Hyun Seok will be executed.

I was back to the real world. Kyung Jun held my hand and we ran down to see what was going on now? But Kyung Jun holding my hand again made my heart skip a beat.

We arrived at the scene just to see that the two were running and headbutting each other making everyone back away. The two were constantly headbutting making both of them bleed.

Sang Hwan was the first one to die and covered in a puddle of blood in front of Jun Hee.

Hyun Seok had wobbly legs and took a stone and he banged his head against the stone. It looked like he broke his skull and more blood came. Finally......

Lee Sang Hwan and Kim Hyun Seok were Citizens.


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