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soft music playing~
When I woke up I found myself on the ground next to the table.

I sighed as I remembered the events last night. They should have listened.
But as I look around I hear a scream from Mi Na.

"Lee Ju Young." It caught everyone's attention. I stood up and went towards them. I crouched and was about to lift the white cloth from Joo Young but an announcement is heard.

During the night, Lee Ju Young was executed by a Mafia. Lee Ju Young was a Citizen.

Well I never liked her in the first place. I just think that I have a neutral friendship with anyone. I don't consider anyone who I can risk my life for. Not Yoon Seo, not Jung Won. But I knew there was one person but why I can't remember her properly. She was from the same school as

There are many people I hate. But I don't mock them or bully them like some bitch named Kim So Mi and her group does. But I think I began to feel something which I've never felt in my life towards another person and that is..


I look into his eyes and he looks into mine not knowing if I will ever be able to tell him or he will ever be able to listen.

Before the closing of votes, the doctor nominated someone to heal and that is Cha Yu Jun.

Everyone tilts their head towards him.

Morning has come. Participants begin to identify the Mafia and begin to vote.

Mi Na stood up furiously and went towards me. "Y/N you fucking bitch, I know you killed Ju Young. You never even liked her. You think you can around having that poker face of yours so that no one suspects you. Well dear, I know you are a fucking Mafia."
There was anger inside  but I knew it was all fake and just for the sake that no one votes her out and she ends up getting executed.

"Didn't I tell you that we will die by not voting? Anyone who listened to me. No. So Choi Mi Na, it is not my fault that your friend which you never cared about has left the earthly grounds."

Pin drop silence fell as they knew that they should have listened to me.

I walk out leaving everyone silent. The only sound which could be heard was the steps of my shoes which slowly disappeared as I moved forward.

I never knew I was surrounded by dumbasses. I heard Jun Hee apologizing that it was his fault that so many students died and he sadly walked away.

I went to the place which I thought was peaceful enough...

The Rooftop.

I sat there and sighed thinking that we will ever be able to get out. I also got a bit worried that what if everyone teams up against me.


a slap. another one. your childhood scars hurting like hell. what else do you need?

"I am feeling sorry for Mr. Kim that he adopted you and brought you here. I hate that I am now the brother of a useless girl who doesn't have brains. How can you mess up such a big operation? What was your mistake? Let me dumped a bloody body in the river thinking you will get away?"

"Xaden, I—"

a gunshot on the curtain next to me.
a small knife thrown at you but you manage to dodge..
tears in your eyes for actually being clueless.

A tear escapes through my eyes as I remember that painful moment.

But now Xaden also looks up at me and respects me but I know deep down he is probably jealous.

Suddenly I feel a painful sensation and it was from my scars. Whenever my scars pain tears actually escape and yes this is what was happening...

I was about to pull my sleeve to see but suddenly someone bolts towards me and hugs me.

"It's going to be okay. I will always be by your side." It was Kyung Jun. I don't know what happens to me but I start to break down.

Tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably, my body shaking with the weight of everything I had been carrying.  "Let it all out. I know they have tormented you and you never say anything." He whispers.

With each sob, a sense of relief washed over me, as if I was finally freeing myself from the burden I had been carrying alone. And in the safety of Kyung Jun's arms, I found solace, knowing that I didn't have to face my struggles alone anymore.

We break the hug and he wipes my tears. "Let's go." He says.

He takes my hand as we move in the cafeteria.

Me, Jun Hee, Jung Won, Yoon Seo and Kyung Jun and a few more people carry the bodies to the freezer.

Gazing at the white cloth in which my dead classmates were covered didn't made me feel sad or anything.

Everyone left except me, Jun Hee and Yoon Seo but I left them be. Of course they may have to talk and sit for the time being.


We were sitting in a classroom which we found.

"Let's not drag this for long. If you're the Mafia, tell me." Kyung Jun said coldly. He is quite confident but does he really think that someone will reveal their identity just like that.

"Okay, if you are the police then reveal yourself." Kyung Jun yelled this time.

Seung Min banged the table making everyone flinch.

I sighed and crossed my legs. "Do you think anyone is going to reveal their identity like that? Even if they do, I think the game is not stupid that they will not make any punishments for the person who reveals their identity like this?"

Kyung Jun stared at me coldly but I didn't break the eye contact as well.

But suddenly he says," Ya Park Woo Ram, it's you who killed Ju Young because you told everyone that you have feelings for her only to get rejected and you bashed on the internet for that. Do you think I don't know that?"

Woo Ram turns pale as he says that I was joking but Kyung Jun was even more loud and said, "Don't try to fool me, you idiot? You kneeled and begged her to delete that post. Choi Mi Na, say it. You filmed that video."

"We don't have to ask Mi Na. We all know that it's true. Just like you said."
I spoke up.

Woo Ram wanted to defend himself but no words came out.

Kyung Jun took out his phone and I knew what he did.

Ko Kyung Jun voted for Park Woo Ram.

L/N Y/N voted for Park Woo Ram.

Choi Mi Na voted for Park Woo Ram.

Shin Seung Bin voted for Park Woo Ram.

Kim Jin Ha voted for Park Woo Ram.

Now Woo Ram was crying.

But we all left leaving him alone.

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