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"Y/N, what the hell are you saying?" Yoon Seo looks at me as if she has seen a ghost.

I realized what I said. I was about to say something but Kyung Jun interrupts.

"I don't think Y/N is a Mafia. She can never be. I think our class president is the Mafia. The way he was carrying that axe as a madman. I think he is."

I liked that he defended me but I didn't like what he thinks about Jun Hee.

"Wasn't Ji Soo a doctor? Read the notice properly. It said that she was a Citizen. I think Yu Jun was a Doctor but he pretended not to be." Eun Chan said.

Da Bum opened his mouth and said,"The Police has used their skill but why didn't the Doctor?" He has a point.

"Yes, if had used their skill then Ji Soo wouldn't have died." Mi Na said.

"Maybe there is a specific number of times the person can use their skill. Since it is a game this kind of law may exist."

I knew no one had a better answer to my question.

"Wait, weren't Ji Soo and Ye Jun alone on the third floor? Why Ji Soo then?" So Mi asks.

"That punk killed his girlfriend." Jin Ha muttered under his breath but still everyone could hear him.

Kyung Jun sighed. "I'll pick one for you. So, Jun Hee's Mafia." He said pointing at Jun Hee.

"You can tell when he got crazy to save Woo Ram and took that axe."

"But he thought that he was a Citizen. We didn't know that he got us so good. We trusted him." So Mi defends herself and the others who voted for Kyung Jun.

"Okay then, I will pick one of you. Though you can vote for Jun Hee." Kyung Jun replied.

"It's a game not a Witch Hunt. Why shall we follow you?" Yoon Seo finally interrupts.

"Because my hunch is proof, darn it."

"I think I know where the proof is. I saw a surveillance camera in the basement." Yoon Seo mentions.

I didn't know she found something like that.


And that's how we ended up in the surveillance room behind Jung Won on the computers to get the footage.

"Ya Mensa, work faster." Seung Min complains.

"Ya, it's not like you're any better than her so let her do at her own pace." I replied.

He just groaned and looked away.

"Someone deleted them." Jung Won replies.

"Aren't they saved somewhere else? Please look again." Yoon Seo asks.

"It's not that. They are really gone. They were formatted automatically. Someone deleted them on purpose."
Jung Won replies.

"Ya, Yoon Seo what's going on? You trolled us all." Jin Ha said.

"Gosh, you Mafia jerks what a team play. You deleted them on purpose." This time Kyung Jun was talking.

"No wait, Hey Yoon Seo. Have you told anyone else about this area?" I asked her because there could be a possibility that the person whom Yoon Seo told must have deleted the files.

But her answer disappointed me as she shook her head and mentioned that only she knows.

Kyung Jun placed his head on my shoulder and gently pulled me behind him.

"You and Jun Hee were desperate to save Woo Ram. You showed up late because you were busy deleting the files." Kyung Jun begins accusing them.

"Ko Kyung Jun, I don't think they are Mafia because they can never be. They are freaking Citizens." I defended them.

"Do you have proof?" Kyung Jun asks.

"I think she must have killed Ji Soo as well." Ye Jun said.

Ko Kyung Jun voted for Lee Yoon Seo.

Shin Seung Min voted for Lee Yoon Seo.

Kim Jin Ha voted for Lee Yoon Seo.

Cha Ye Jun voted for Lee Yoon Seo.

"No Kyung Jun why?!" I run after him. He was looking at all directions except at mine.

Finally he looks towards me and I finally understood that he was super annoyed.

"Y/N she is a fucking Mafia. You should know who to trust." Then he slapped my hand and disappeared in the halls.

I entered the surveillance room only to see Yoon Seo crouched and crying.

I felt remorse in my veins and I sat with her consoling her saying her everything will be fine. I grabbed her arm and made her stood up. I hugged her.


I was in halls thinking who could be the actual creator of this game? Why they did this to us?

I snap out of my thoughts when I see a message on my phone.

Jung Won restored some of the files.

Now we all are in the surveillance room.

"It's done. The footage of yesterday is restored." We all move to see the footage clearly.

I let out a sigh of relief. But noticed the footage was glitching.

Suddenly the computer exploded. Jun Hee acted fast and took a fire extinguisher extinguishing all the fire.

"Were you trying to burn us all?" Kyung Jun yelled.

"Hey, what's that?" Seung Min pointed at a small television which was glitching until it showed us the footage of the swimming pool.

There was a girl appearing and disappearing and her face was blurry.

"It's a ghost." I said coldly.

"Y/N, stop talking things like that." Jun Hee replied.


Now we all were at the swimming pool.

"Guys I have an idea." Jun Hee said.

"How about we vote in a different way?"

"What different way, Jun Hee?" So Mi asks.

"You almost killed us all." Kyung Jun mutters.

"Out of 14 votes, Yoon Seo received 4. So a person dies when the majority votes. If we make the votes equal, no one dies." Jun Hee said.

"He means that we need someone else to receive the same votes as Yoon Seo and the rest of you can vote for each other." Jung Won explains in a easy way.

"But who will be the one to receive the same number of votes?" So Mi asked because no one wants to be in that place because what if it backfires and they get executed for that.

It was silent until Jun Hee takes the initiative.

Eun Chan and Yeon Woo vote for each other. I vote for Jun Hee. Jung Won and Yoon Seo also vote for Jun Hee.

Jun Hee votes for Yoon Seo. Mi Na votes for Jun Hee.

So Mi and Na Hee vote for each other.


Voting time is over.

Everyone started to cheer because there was no announcement after that.

Since Kim Jun Hee and Lee Yoon Seo got the same number of votes. You will have 5 minutes to vote for any of them otherwise everyone will be executed.


Suddenly Jun Hee said, " Guys, Vote for me. I am the Mafia. I was defending Woo Ram because he was on my team. I deleted the files."

I didn't believe him. "Jun Hee what the hell are you saying?" I yell at him.

"It's true Y/N." Jun Hee replied.

The ones who didn't voted for them have to vote. And you know what they did. They ended up voting for Jun Hee.

Kim Jun Hee with the most votes will be executed.

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