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Everyone was in a room trying to comprehend this new found information. I also remembered everything.

They killed her...Those hell of devils they took Se Eun away.

"Park Se Eun, the girl who committed suicide?" Eun Chan asked.

"Se Eun is the host." Yoon Seo mumbled.

"But she is dead." Na Hee said and her voice was trembling in fear.

"Right, how can a dead girl be the host of a game?" Kyung Jun asked.

"I think it's because of the game. Anyways, thanks to Yoon Seo who found out the host and our memories came back as well." Jung Won said.

"Still how could our memories disappear and come back, this is so crazy." Kyung Jun held his head in shock.

"Wait, Yoon Seo. You said you have seen a ghost before. Was is Park Se Eun's?"

"And? All of this is happening because of Park Se Eun." So Mi added.

"Nah, I'd rather say it's happening because of you So Mi. You bullied her to such an extent which drove her crazy and that son of a bitch Park Woo Ram he created that dumb video of hers. I am so glad that Woo Ram is dead." I glared at her.

"S-So Mi used to bully Park Se Eun?" Eun Chan asked.

"I never bullied Se Eun and Y/N you hated her pretty much that you killed her. There is a rumour that Se Eun was killed." So Mi scoffed and glared at me.

"Y/N was suspended when Se Eun was killed." Jung Won said.

"Suspended? For what?" Kyung Jun asked.

"I know." I went towards So Mi and traced that scar which I made with scissors."For this.Well this perfect scar ruined her not-so-perfect face." I smirked.

"It's okay we all know it and it's a shame that your actions are as bland as your personality, So Mi."

She gulped as I insulted her and took my leave.


The night has come for all of us to discuss about who should we vote today and it's 10 pm. Well I arrived late.

"Y/N, where were you?" Yoon Seo asked in a worried tone.

"Let's focus on something more important." I replied.

"I want to add something here. So Mi, you never talked with Se Eun and this is weird or what if Y/N is right that you are really involved with bullying Se Eun." Eun Chan said.

"Also, you gossip about Eun Ha with other girls. I think there is a possibility that you are the Mafia." Kyung Jun added.

"Exactly." I replied.

"It's not true." So Mi stuttered.

"I know who spread Se Eun's video." So Mi said suddenly.

Everyone looked at her.

She didn't continue and instead took her phone out.

Kim So Mi voted for Ahn Na Hee.
Choi Mi Na voted for Ahn Na Hee.

"What are you doing?" Na Hee gasped as soon as she heard that two people voted her out.

"Woo Ram showed her the video and she spread the entire rumour. Yes, Na Hee is the one who spread the rumour." So Mi glared at Na Hee.

"Shut up or shall I do it for you?" I glared at them because they were lying.

"When did I? You hated Se Eun because of Jun Hee and you teamed up with Woo Ram and created that video." Na Hee said.

"Stop it for goodness sake. Do we all die because of you?" So Mi spat.

"I am the Police Officer." Na Hee suddenly said making everyone look at her.

She opened her phone and showed her identity.

Ahn Na Hee : Police Officer

Then she showed So Mi's.

Kim So Mi : Mafia.

"Take responsibility for what you said now."Na Hee mumbled.

Mi Na walked up to Na Hee and began to apologize her that she was fooled by her as well.

"So Mi, you are a Mafia. Suits you." I giggled.

Eun Chan grabbed So Mi harshly."If it weren't for you, Eun Ha wouldn't have died, you piece of trash." He pushed her as well.

"It means you killed Seung Min huh. You fucking bitch." Kyung Jun was angry and held her by the collar.

Then he let her go and opened his phone.

Ko Kyung Jun voted for Kim So Mi.

I charged towards So Mi and held her by the collar.

"But you're not a person who deserves to live, So Mi. You are a murderer. You and entire fucked up gang killed Se Eun. I hope you rot in hell you bloody––"

Kyung Jun pulled me away and whispered,"She will rot in hell but don't do things that make you look like a Mafia." I nodded my head.

She came crawling towards Jun Hee and held his hand.

"Jun Hee, please save me." He yanked her hand away making her gasp. He opened his phone.

Kim Jun Hee voted for Kim So Mi.

"Take responsibility." He said coldly.

"I know who the other Mafia is." So Mi said. She was about to say but suddenly she started to vomit blood.

You cannot reveal the identities of Mafias.

We all voted for her.

"Ya, Y/N let's go." Kyung Jun held my hand as we all left to hide.

We went inside some room and I made all the precautions so that nobody comes during the night to kill us.

Suddenly Kyung Jun came closer making me lean against the wall and suddenly the lights turned red.

Red lights...

I went towards the floor where my phone was lying.

"You want to listen to music?" I asked a bit breathless.

He nodded his head. I turned the only song which was downloaded on my phone.

I cannot breathe without you being right by my side
I'll die

"That dumb music again?" This time he smirked.

I felt my knees going weak but you know I mentioned this before that I don't like anyone disrespecting my music taste.

The eye contact....

I went closer to him,"What did you say?"

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