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I jolted awake and looked at Kyung Jun who was looking beautiful while sleeping. I placed my ear to his chest and listened to his heart beat. Thank goodness he is alive.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Morning, love." He gave me a warm smile.

I blushed at this nickname.
"Morning, l-love." I gave him a cheerful smile.

We stood up and made our way to the door but we heard an announcement.

During the night, Ahn Na Hee was executed by a Mafia. Ahn Na Hee was a Police Officer.

"That's what I  heard." I mumbled.

But that was not all......

During the night, Choi Mi Na and Im Eun Chan were executed by a Mafia. They were Citizens.

We went outside and looked that everyone was gathered in the Assembly Hall and were staring at Na Hee's , Mi Na and Eun Chan's dead body.

"A Mafia can kill many people. This is unexpected." Jun Hee said.

I looked around and realized that someone is missing.

"Guys, I think someone is not present among us." I looked around.

"It's Jung Won." Yoon Seo says.

"Why isn't she here?" Kyung Jun asked.

"I know that I slept beside her but she wasn't there then I saw Jun Hee and brought the dead bodies of the three here." Yoon Seo said.

"I think we should look for her." I say.

"Yeah. Lets—" Yoon Seo was not able to finish because of an announcement.

Oh Jung Won has died. Oh Jung Won was a Mafia.

"What? Jung Won was a Mafia." Jun Hee says and he looked in a very shocking state.

The Citizens have defeated the Mafias and won the game.

"We won?" Kyung Jun trying to comprehend the situation.

Suddenly a paper comes flying down.

I grab the paper and it has something written so I was about to read but suddenly everything blacks out.


I know everything || Ko Kyung Jun x Reader Where stories live. Discover now