Chapter XII - International Super Spy

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| August 10, 04:25 UTC+2

ANI META ANDROMEDA, a beautiful twenty one year old girl with long dark brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. Electric blue. She was a simple reporter from a local news outlet, and was planning on this event being her next break though in her media driven career. That's who Kamila was pretending to be, and with the help of a wig and some contacts, the girl easily became Ani.

As 'Ani' grabbed a glass of imported champagne, she let her eyes scan the crowd for the young man who seemed to be following her tracks. She couldn't see him at the moment and decided to weave between the crowd of high class European men and women, a flurry of languages that she could barely understand echoing though the large Gala hall.

Her dress wasn't as lavish as the ones around her, but fashionable enough to pass as appropriate for the evening. It was a slim fitting floor length dress with a slit creeping up her left leg and ending just below the tip of her concealed dagger. As you look further to the neck line of the dress, it becomes a single sleeve dress with a straight cut, the fabric of sleeve giving the impression of resting over wrapping over the left side of her chest and around to her waist. The sleeve itself was made out of the same silky fabric material as the rest of the dress, and ended just past the girl's wrist in a comfortably tight manner.

The temporary brunette twirled one of her long curls around her finger absentmindedly as she hid herself in the furthest corner of the room. She wasn't just acting and playing dress up for no particular reason. No, Kamila had a special intent while she pretended to enjoy the festivities and the provided champagne.

The young man she had been keeping an eye out for was not supposed to be involved in the mission. He had been on her tail for nearly the entire night. His gaze would practically burn into the back of her head as she half heartedly mingled with passing strangers and pretended to drink away the night.

She needs to find the security room, or at least something she could use to hack unto the main server of the lavish castle. But with the young man was always a few feet dozen behind her. She had quickly noticed the uniform of a guard the man wore and cursed as she did. Since that first glance, she hadn't stopped moving in hopes of losing the man's interest.

Once Kamila found the eyes of the man once again, she analyzed him from a far. The way he favoured his left side. The way he seemed to be paranoid and about to pull out his non-regulated gun at any moment.

The met eyes once again and she cursed. The man was soon just infront of her as 'Ali' sent him a dazzling smile.

"Hello, Miss...?" The man asked as he stopped infront of her.

She simply held out a hand, which he grabbed and politely kiss her ring finger, "Andromeda, pleasure to make your acquaintance sir."

"Miss Lavine," he nodded, "I couldn't help but notice you across the hall. I've been trying to get hold of your attention all night."

I noticed, Kamila held back a grimace as the thirty year old man spoke.

"I apologize," she eventually settled on, "but I don't believe I caught your name?"
She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear to cover the motion of her pushing on the back of her earring. It was a clever pace to keep a recording and translation device all things considered.

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