Chapter II - Fireworks

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SHE WAS BACK on the street corner - as that 12 year old girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time - watching in amazement as the Flash (by far her favourite hero) dealt with the new villain, using artificially made lighting to cause mayhem in the rarely peaceful streets of central city.

Currently, the scarlet speedster was trying to evacuate the streets from civilians who were perviously enjoying their lunches and coffee outside in the august heat, as well as the people in their cars. Somehow, he didn't see the young girl hiding behind the street light.

Well, at least he didn't realised fast enough to notice how she caught the attention of the villain.

Kamila never forgot the smirk the evil man wore when they made eye contact. The way he looked at her - like she was the perfect scapegoat to get the fastest man alive out of his hair - was a turning point in her life.

Before she could process it, a bolt of lightning was headed straight at her chest.

Time runs short.    

Somewhere behind her, she heard the hero scream out in protest. He knew that even with his speed, he wouldn't make it.

He's too slow.

You must awaken.

Before she could begin to process the true danger of her current situation,  she was hit in the chest with the villain's attack. It didn't hurt as much as she thought it would, but she could've been mistaken from the adrenalin coursing through her veins.

                                                                   You must awaken now!


| Washington, DC
| July 5, 00:01 EDT

WITH A JOLT, Kamila opened her eyes and felt and unfamiliar weight around her wrists. Looking to her right, she saw Kaldur, and to her left Wally and Dick. Granted, they were in uniform, so it would be Aqualad to her right, and to her left Kid Flash and Robin.

Her head was a bit fuzzy, as if she got hit across the head with something, but her memories the past few hours then returned to her.

Her, Aqualad, Robin and Kidflash entering Cadmus, the weird creatures, the living weapons, finding the clone-

Oh would you look at that, she though to herself, found him again!

In front of her pod stood the kryptonian clone, who was mindlessly glaring at the four teenagers.

"What? What- what do you want!" Exclaimed kid flash as he woke up, realizing that he was trapped and supposedly how he go there as well. "Quite staring. You're creeping me out!"

"Uh, KF, how about we not tick the guy off who could fry us with a look?" Said Robin in a raspy voice, clearly just waking up as well.

"Yeah KF, shut the hell up" Astra said, then looked back the the clone "look, we only wanted to help you superboy"

"Yeah! Then you turn on us-"

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