Chapter IX - Raindrops on Roses

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| August 5, 14:26 CST

KAMILA LOVED RAIN. Whether it be it be a heavy thunderstorm where lightning would strike the tallest building in the city and allow her to practice travelling though the clouds with her powers safely with the clouds that hung over the sky, or light showers that would give her room a more cozy feeling as she plucked at her guitar strings or watched her favourite crime shows for the eight time, she loved it.

So as she sat at her desk editing the song she had been trying to cover to fit her own style, she smiled to herself as she heard the light taps of rain outside her window. She had her short hair pulled out of her face with one of her headbands, which sported the Central City Centaurs Varsity Girls Soccer logo on the front and her sound proof headphones resting around her neck as they blasted the music from her laptop. She blew away the pieces of grey hair that kept falling into her face, too short to be held back by her headband.

She hummed the lyrics to the song she had memorized by now and looked over to her phone which was face down on her desk. She quickly stretched out her arms above her head until a satisfying pop was heard. Kamila had been sitting in the same position for maybe thirty minutes, and her mug of hot chocolate had been empty for the last twenty, so she decided to take a break. Just as she was going to grab her phone, it began to buzz, sending small vibrations into the wooden surface of the desk.

She read out the name and smiled to herself. Kidiot <3 it spelt out. She listened to the instrumental song she set as her ringtone for a few more seconds before she picked up.

"Hey Wally," she said happily as she picked up the empty mug off her desk and took off the headphones around her neck. As she stood up, she tucked her phone under her shoulder and opened the door to a quiet house.

Her mom and step-dad were visiting his side of the family, and although Kamila is and always will be always invited to Fisher Family events, she still felt like she was imposing on their family time. Plus, her cousin-in-law was a creepy stalker fan of Astra and telling her mom she'd rather not hang out with a sixteen year old boy with her masked face all over his walls and on his lock screen was more then enough convincing.

(Well, Wally had a poster of her on his door and a picture of her as his Lock Screen, but that's completely different!)

"Hey beautiful," the boy flirted over the phone, "what's the weather like in central?"

Kamila paused as she put the mug in the sink, then turned around to lean against the counter, "It's raining right now... was that a pick up line or a genuine question?"

"Genuine question, but I can make it one if you'd want," he responded, and Kamila bit back a small grin before tell him to give it a shot, "okay, uh... okay okay, I got it. So like, I ask you what's the weather like,"

"Okay, and I respond with it raining again," Kamila responds.

"Okay, and I say, if my kisses were those rain drops, I'd want you to stand in the rain forever,"

Kamila laughed as her heart fluttered in her chest and easily rated the line, "that was pretty good, like an eight out of ten."

Over the phone speaker Wally laughed "I'll take it," he said and his voice was followed by the sound of crumpling paper and a zipper being zipped up.

Kamila pushed herself off the counter top and made her way back to her room, "where are you going?"

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you!" He said, as she fell back first onto her bed, "I'm going to your house! We're going out!"

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