Chapter VI - Drop-Zone

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|July 22, 20:08 ECT


Kamila was not one to judge the Batman's orders and strategies, she'd be an idiot if she were to, but for some reason sending six unsupervised and super-powered teenagers to an island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea without a leader doesn't exactly seem responsible...

"Isla stanta prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neo-steroid, a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name "venom". Infrared heat signatures indicate that the factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of venom have been inexplicably cut off.  That's where this team comes in," Batman had said during the debrief, "This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will."

Kamila knew it wouldn't come to that, she wanted the team's first mission to be a successful one. She'd make sure of it.

"So, who's in charge?" She remembers Robin asking.

"Work that out between you."

Kamila was staring out the front window when M'gann's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "Drop zone A in 30."

Kaldur stood up and hit the symbol on his belt, transforming his typical red suit to be more black and grays, before the floor opened up beneath him and he dropped down into the sea.

"Ready," the Atlantean replied.

"Putting bioship in camouflage mode" With that, the wings started to camouflage into the night sky and they neared the drop zone for Aqualad.

Kamila was starting to get excited. it was the team's first big mission organized by Batman, after all, so she felt like it had to go well. but based on the smirk on Robin's face, something in her gut was telling her it wouldn't be smooth sailing.

a hole opened up in the floor and she saw from her peripheral Aqualad jumping down into the sea below, off to deactivate the motion and heat sensors, just as Batman had planned.

So far, so good.

A few moments later, Aqualad's voice was heard through the comms "Data is now on a continuous loop, move in."

the bioship flew over to their drop zone and with M'gann's mental command, the chairs dissolved into the floor as the rest of the team stood up. she lifted her hand, and this time, lines descended from the ceiling for the group to attach to themselves.

Kamila didn't really have a place to attach her line because of the way her uniform was made (without any conductive materials... which was annoying) so she just looped it around her waist and clipped it in the front so she could hold on to it. once she was secured, she looked over at Wally who switched his suit into camo mode.

the bright red and yellows were replaced by black and gray like Aqualad, but his suit also had red accents on the lighting blot symbol and over his ribs. his goggles were even a toned-down red colour. perfect for stealth, if you know, it wasn't being worn on the loudest person she knew.

"How cool is this?!" the speedster said, looking back to the rest of the team in the cockpit.

"Very cool," and with that, M'gann's suit completely changed from a white top with a dark red X with a mini blue skirt and cape, to a darker pallet uniform with a black pant body suit, a hood and instead of blue heeled boots, she had black flats which were connected to the suit.

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